All posts filed under: french decor

Intrigued By Design

As I gather ideas for home and garden, and finally begin the planning stages on how to renovate, I cannot help but feel utterly inspired by the old, the distressed, and the neutral of colors. Source

Childhood Reflection

I have always paid attention to detail, even at the age of five or six, when my parents opted to take me along on a family visit. Which was customary in the Mediterranean upbringing – you visit with relatives for tea and trays of winter dessert, or for refreshments and servings of fresh summer fruits. The adults spoke, and the children listened. It was wonderful! But while I did much listening, I also paid loads of attention to the home decor of those family members who were cultured if you will, or wealthy enough to set up their home in French inspired decor trends. So when I stumbled upon this breathtaking mansion, I had to share what I was referring to: As this particular set up is a true reminder of days from my childhood, where I sat on an oversized sofa, watching the adults discuss whatever topic of interest. There, I simply nibbled on cake or ice cream and admired all the intricate details of my surroundings. Source full credit, referenced above for your …

Beautiful Things

On this Sunday morning I felt the need to inspire you… To seek nature and all it’s beauty To experience a gourmet coffee shop To discover an English Tudor or cottage style home in your neighborhood or beyond. To sit on a park bench along a lakeside and observe the ducks. I guarantee you will walk away feeling the most peaceful. To Consider a wall refresh in your formal dining room

Friday Interesting Finds

Sharing contents on a blog has become quite challenging these days in terms of seeing an interesting topic somewhere else and wanting to share in the joy here without copyright infringement nightmares. So I’ve been debating on shifting gears here at RS&S to bring to you the rawest of materials…but then I think. Don’t we have enough of that already? I mean the world is a different place since the pandemic and even the slightest difference in opinion is no longer tolerated the way it was once. So I keep treading gently here and there and so the topics of discussion are now far and too few. I do have to tell you though. I had a boss once, who being a decade+ older than me often chuckled at my way of thinking or being…he said I reminded him of how he was at one point in his life. He also told me I’d grow out of it. From social media contents he posts, I realize he has never grown out of his ways or …

Decor: Is The Theme for 2021

I was on a work call the other day, where one of the participants sat at her desk in a room I could have sworn was somewhere in Paris. But it wasn’t she said, it was her tiny apartment which she turned into a Parisian artists loft tucked somewhere near Sacré-Cœur. You know the ones in the attic, with large windows and open space filled with canvas, paint brushes, and whatever artists collect to create an inspirational space. Secretly I knew she and I would be great friends. Yesterday I took a much needed day off from work and just drove around a bit in the rain trying to figure out if it is worth my effort to plan out 2021, like I normally do each year, or simply let the new norm restrictions guide the course so not to feel as disappointed. I returned home, thinking perhaps I should embark on all the home renovation projects I had been pondering over in 2020: such as designing an actual garden for the backyard, updating the …

Decor: Do Something Nice For Yourself Or Your Kitchen

I realized in recent weeks, while finding my way through a promotion, that I have neglected my home – in that working from home at all hours of the day and night to adapt to this new role had taken precedent over everything else that defines working on the home. As some of us may know, or those of us overly organized minded, and meticulous, that in order to maintain order in the home, we must effort each and every spare second to tidy up. Well, it disappoints me to say that hasn’t happened in my household since the beginning of October. One area in particular that needs attention, even though I keep clean and managed after preparing a meal, and serving the family, is the kitchen. Which I also feel needs an update – this part is slotted for the future: Repaint the current cabinets, replace the countertops, either retile the current floor or replace with hardwood (my favorite) and update the appliances. Until then…I found the perfect inspiration to follow the steps into …

Lifestyles We Share

I think we can all agree and some may disagree that we have lots in common during this pandemic lockdown/half-lockdown/possible opening/maybe closing/much reservation in the season ahead – that we have found new ways to keep busy or distracted. In my case, updating the house, swooning over travel destinations, cooking, watching movies on various apps, and tapping into my artistic side – oh and don’t forget walking, lots of walking (which I used to do anyway) I’ve never been a fan of the gym. So this Thursday, while juggling a bathroom renovation, painting the kitchen cabinets to a lighter color – grayish-blue, and updating the bedroom, I am mostly focused on home renovations and what I am taking from each one: What’s got you distracted, or busy these days?

Tuesday Beautiful Things

June gloom is how Californian’s see this month – due to the relentless heavy fogs along the coast and sometimes even inland. Surprisingly, we had a few gorgeous days at the start of the month, so we took to the streets, parks, and sandy beach walks soaking it all up. Today, the fog has rolled in as expected, and we are once again indoors, wearing sweaters and socks and all things winter related. For this very reason, I felt the need to share some beautiful things to help stay focused on positive thoughts… {featured image source and credit here, here, here, here}