All posts filed under: Sunday Reads and a Cup of Coffee or Tea

Sunday Fun Topics to Ponder Over

We were supposed to have a storm coming through San Francisco this morning, but I suppose even the storm felt a little lazy and instead decided to stay at bay for another 24 hours. Maybe the storm is taking the day off as well, from all things havoc 🙂  I understand – everyone and everything needs a break. This past week I’ve been at war with some wild creatures tearing up my front garden – which has never happened before. But down a few blocks from where I live, a boulevard a mile or so long, with the landscape being uprooted and tossed around to re-plant, I can’t even figure out what – since it really doesn’t look that great. So the poor animals who normally feed off of the plants and trees there, are scurrying through the neighborhoods to find food. I feel bad for them – but destroying my beautiful garden is NOT  cool. Don’t hate, because I do feel for the animals, but my plants are part of my family and I …

Sundays Are For Playing Catch Up

American football season is in full swing and while some folks gather around the television set to watch a game or two or three, the rest of the folks aim to catch up on chores, planning outfits for the week, paying bills and even finishing up homework. But if you are the lucky few without a care in the world on this Sunday, then play catch up right here:

Sunday Read: Research Has It

I normally sleep with my window open. I’ve done it for years. The crisp air, sometimes chilly and other times just warm enough helps me get a good night sleep.  The only nights I struggle to get to sleep is if I’m in a place, a hotel or someone’s house, where I cannot open the window. Those are the nights, I toss and turn and count the hours until the morning. Do you sleep with the window opened?   While searching for a recipe, I came across this article – about the most popular recipe in every state (U.S) according to google. And when I clicked on it, I found some of the options very surprising – especially California – where I live. I would have guessed delicious guacamole dip or sushi – but never quinoa. Check out the rest of the list. Is it true for your state?     Being a San Franciscan – I have seen the city develop into an expensive metropolitan one and although I have been here all of my …

Sunday Fun Reads – Vol 16

The slow start to a Sunday morning is at times much appreciate by those with a hectic schedule. You know the change to sit back, and scroll through a few fun reads online – as you know is probably the best pairing to a good cup of coffee. Have you ever embarked on the project of buying/building Ikea furniture?, If so, you might want to read on the 25 things that go through one’s mind during the process. Is there anyone you (don’t) know who isn’t fascinated by mermaids?     Here’s why room service in a hotel room is not as great as you might think.  One of the most nostalgically beautiful dress I have seen in a while, just in case you are able to pull of the look this summer for a special occasion. If I were asked where I would rather be at the moment, I would have to say –  it would be right here. I am curious about your take on – if a new member of the royal family …

Lifestyle: Changes Your Body Undergoes When Heartbroken

Four weeks later, and I am still experiencing sadness over the early-passing of a beloved family pet. What sucks the most is that I wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, wondering if there was more any of us could have done to prevent it. But then after a good cry-hyperventilation, I reflect upon all the signs in the past year, leading to his faith three weeks ago. Heartbreak sucks. Past the emotional pain, there is the physical aches I’ve never felt before, or rather some discomfort  worsened since January 22nd. Here’ what apparently happens to our bodies when we experience the worst of heart-breaks: Hormonal change – When you experience a heartbreak and are upset, the happiness hormones turn off and are replaced by cortisol and epinephrine; the stress hormones. All that happiness and joy is channeled and turned into anxiety and stress. When stress hormones chronically linger, a person’s ability to form and make new memories starts to reduce. It is probably a coping mechanism developed by the brain in …

Sunday Reads And A Cup of Coffee or Tea

Sunday mornings are the best. I wake up early no matter the leisure day, and  do a bit of reading an actual paperback with a cup or two of green tea in hand, and then get online to plan out my blogging week. All before breakfast :). I feel more accomplished like that. Anyway, without boring you with too much background, I share with you today’s interesting finds: