All posts filed under: positive thinking

Today’s Focal Point

I’ve turned to quotes most of my life to get me through some things…and I think out of the dozen or so, this is the most fitting for today… quote source

Unintentional Break

Last week was a continuation of previous weeks x two. Which has me wondering – why does everything require a zoom meeting? The idea of needing a scheduled call to ‘be on the same page’ has me booked up through the end of April. Not complaining just sharing too much information. But in all honesty I have missed staying connected here and do want to know how everyone is truly doing out there as we watch our world shift and change. And humanity be swayed in every direction imaginable to feel and think a certain way. I do my best to focus on the positive and live my life as simply as possible. Some of the things that keep me motivated are the stuff I am thankful and very grateful for. Have a nice day…

Lifestyle: How to Celebrate a Centenarian Birthday

While walking across the city – five miles or so as often as possible, my partner and I discuss longevity and our plans for when and if we are too sick to care for ourselves. Yes, this is a big concern, more so since COVID and the fight to be mindful of the elderly. I keep mentioning 80 as my number and based on the lifespan and ailments in my family, I figured the number makes sense. Weird topic to ponder over, maybe. But when our wold has become so small, and the problems have become bigger than anticipated, your mind will go there at some point or another. The other day I watch Down to Earth on Netflix, where Actor Zac Efron travels the world with Darin Olien, a wellness expert to explore healthy, sustainable ways of living. Episode 4 – was the understanding of Sardinia’s centenarian generation and their lifestyle – which implied, eat lots of pasta, walk, and keep a positive approach to life and avoid stress. (Can you see my eyes …

Topics of Conversation From Around The World

In my efforts to remain positive and a little distracted from what’s become the norm these past few months, I want to share some interesting articles I found online which might be fun for trivia with the household, or zoom-chats across the globe. Call me a nerd – I don’t care 🙂 And if the above is a pass – then consider this 10 positive habits to adopt right now   {featured image source}

A Few Observations and Updates

As the shelter in place order was announced in California, I wanted to believe more humans were beginning to take the COVID-19 pandemic seriously, but it seems from the news and photographs all around, there are so many exhibiting otherwise. But what do I know, except that my family and I did our part in following the directive and stayed home – naturally FaceTiming the rest of the clan who live in far away places. Through the doom, I am trying my best to maintain a positive attitude – I mean, don’t get me wrong, by Friday I felt the worst version of myself, and could not snap out of it. I guess I was completely coming to terms with how things are going to be for a while and even afterwards.  This is how I usually am with most traumatic events in my life: Shock, denial, overly analyzing the situation, much brain-storming with family members and friends, and then calming down to rationally handle whatever life had thrown or in this case, is throwing …

Travel: Some Fun Facts to Ponder Over While Social Distancing

Couple of weeks back, I visited the Academy of Science in Golden Gate Park. I haven’t been for over a decade. I have to say I was enlightened over again about our planet, the birds and the bees (literally), and the universe and the bodies of water around the world. These sort of reminders had me turning to the History channel more often these days to learn more about the fascinating. So I started to think last night, when I finally came to terms that I need to postpone all travels I had planned for the year to perhaps as far into the future as next year. But since I love travel, and some of you are the same, I figured to readjust my travel series to fun facts rather behind every travel. The reason for social distancing – if you aren’t taking it seriously

Lifestyle: Do You Ever Ask Yourself?

I bought a book a while ago at a small boutique store in Burlingame, California titled Celebrating You, by M.H. Clark – which by the way is now on sale on Amazon. The book was published in 2012, with the most lovable illustrations by Jill Labieniec .   At the time I really needed someone to tell me that I was okay, that I was appreciated for all the things that I do, and that I am. But I didn’t know that I needed to hear it. It was when I found the book in the store, and thumbed through the witty reminders  on each page, when I recognized the importance of being appreciated.  The book, which helped me through the darkest of days and nights, now sits on the floor-to-ceiling bookshelf,  I use as my headboard, in my studio apartment. It is the closest to my reach, and each night I glance at the cover before turning in. Call me a funny-girl, but this little book is my beacon of hope. This year, I will …

Travel: For Emotional Therapy

January was a very bumpy ride around the globe and has pretty has me wondering how best to recover and hopefully find ways to bring forward as much positivity as possible – although it will be challenging, I often believe things happen for a reason, and those reasons lead to newer opportunities, or perhaps simply a better understanding of this thing called life. I think my favorite inspiration of late is the pic and caption from Gerard Butler (pictured above) who was apparently on a spiritual journey here and there.  And it got me thinking about the idea of traveling on a spiritual level or one where you embark on a self-discovery journey. Would you – if you could? Here’s to hoping for a positive outlook in February and beyond.

Saturday Interesting Distractions From The Internet

I always tell myself to take a break on the weekends from being on the computer – which I do for the most part. But sometimes I am too excited about sharing what I consider interesting distractions or good things to know about. So go grab that cup of coffee or tea and simply enjoy… {featured image source and inspiration}

We’ll Just Take It All In

Woke up this morning to pick up a package Amazon had left at my doorstep and noticed the flashing lights of a police cars a few houses down, and all of a sudden a flash light was pointed at my face-the officer asking me if the car parked out front which was hit was mine, to which I answered No and pointed out my car, parked behind the one hit.  He shone the light on my car and asked me to inspect the side facing the street with him. Apparently someone hit a row of cars half an hour earlier and the officer wanted to make sure my car wasn’t impacted.   You can imagine my stupor, followed by the need to walk down the street to see if my neighbors were okay. Then after all the conversations, I decided it was best I work from home and find  ways to self-distract before diving into a meeting call as if nothing had happened. Here’s What to focus on today – Enjoy the moments