All posts filed under: advertising and marketing

A Novel Giveaway Inspired by Roman Decor

I watched a foreign film a few weeks ago on Amazon Prime, where I was completely immersed in the style of foreign film making and story telling, as well as where it was filmed (Roma).  But, nothing captivated me more than the apartment the main character, Claudio (played by Raoul Bova)  lived in – near Vatican city, with views of Castle San’ Angelo.  I have to say, it was the best two-hour escape in a long while, and I went to bed thinking about all things Rome.   Last night, while commuting home, I stumbled upon this Roman Residence and smiled, thinking how similar  this lovely space was to the decor in the film. So I decided to give away Piazza Navona – a novel I’ve written a few years back.  Message me to get your copy.   Paperback copy will be shipped to U.S. address only. 

Travel: A Week In Between Jobs or Just For Spring Break

I just realized we are very close to March, start of Spring break across the globe – where some have already planned their Spring break getaways in between a week off from their studies.  This list offers up a handful of destinations to consider for when you are in between jobs, but I think this is also useful for those undecided about where to go for Spring break.  Here’s where I am considering – sometime early April – to a place I’ve never been… For the rest of the list – go here   

A Funny Thing Happened While Waiting for the Train

Billboard advertisement still exists in most train stations – I suppose because those of us waiting to embark, have ample time to see the ad, and sometimes during delays and such, even glance at it enough times to remember the product or the message, sending you to click buy or react emoji via the luxury of your smart phone. A few days ago, I noticed, even fixated on a number of billboard ads by Lufthansa while waiting for my commuter train to screech to a stop at Montgomery Street station in San Francisco.  Since the announcement overhead stated the norm these days for our ultra-busy city, (delays upon delays), I decided to pace the platform and read every single billboard, eventually jotting down all the questions posed by the airline aiming to entice potential travelers or those longing to plan a trip-somewhere, in this case, destinations where Lufthansa flies.  And then of course, I decided to answer the questions-out loud-right here: Is somewhere else always the right place?  It can be  – when one is …

Lifestyle: How To’s

Today’s list of how-to’s are for those of us – sometimes in need of a reminder or a new outlook on doing the same old thing. For example: How to CULL your wardrobe. Since I’ve taken this week off from work to do my bit of ‘AUTUMN’ cleaning – I am having trouble deciding what goes and stays in my closet. These suggestions from Chronicles of Her are pretty cool to keep in mind, to strip your closet of all things cluttering it. Here’s what they say: “Things that are out of sight, out of mind and not missed over the next few weeks are begging to be sold, swapped or donated to charity.” ASK YOURSELF: “Does it suit my current style? Is it flattering on me? If I saw someone wearing it, would I wonder where they got it? What are my reasons for keeping it?” (more) ♦ Best make up tips to learn, although the article states before you turn thirty – I think we can all learn a few things at any age.  Especially if you look at yourself …

Saturday Edition: If You Didn’t know By Now

If you didn’t know by now a few things about how life really works, this interesting read I found from a marketing guru a few days ago will give you some insight. The kind that makes you say “Hey, that’s really true.” Or “Yup, I knew that, but validation is always a good thing.” or “HAHA.” Sometimes that’s all it takes. Check out my favorite excerpts and then read on here: Airbrushing When they began airbrushing the models in fashion magazines fifty years ago, no one complained much. Everyone knew, we thought, that it was some sort of make believe. But then they started airbrushing our food. And then vacations.  And family photos. And brands. And jobs. Spend enough time looking through the glass on your tablet and you’ll come to believe that you’re the only one with a less-than-perfect situation. With the right filter, the grass really is greener… Which may very well cause you to amplify the differences, to magnify the distance between you and the airbrushed person with the online life. It’s gotten to the point …

What’s Happening This Weekend

August is pretty dreary in San Francisco. Meaning to say we hardly see sun and it drizzles enough to need an umbrella. Now, although there is OUTSIDE LANDS happening in Golden Gate Park (sorry tourists) about parking, restrictions, and crowded buses and pretty much chaos, I am aiming to experience the following: THURSDAY NIGHT: The pic speaks volumes – from 4-8p.m. I’ll be strolling down Polk Street in the city and maybe I’ll run into some of you in town or from this cool town. FRIDAY NIGHT: Sun, Fun, and a day-escape to Sonoma and/or to  Sebastopol SATURDAY: More search for sun, fun, and just taking it all in   SUNDAY: I am a firm believer you have to experience something at least once – and this sounds amazing – Seeing an outdoor theater version of the film SOUTH PACIFIC in Oakland under the stars: {photo I’ve taken from Sausalito on a typical San Francisco summer day}

Selfie or Not – That’s Been My Struggle

Well, more like taking any photographs of me at my best is a huge struggle. One, because I feel the one taking the photograph has no patience, which stresses me out. Two, because, it seems most photos of me are often taken when I am the least prepared – mouth wide open, laughing, or chewing, or eyes fluttering Three, let’s face it, because I am shy and hate posing for photos, especially ones where there are gawkers at bay. So, for those of you sharing in my struggle – here are two handful of suggestions to consider (see how I did that?) – which might help. And if it doesn’t then have a  glass of wine or two before the big SNAP! {featured image source}

Happy Blogging Anniversary To Me

Just sayin’ Although I’ve been with WP for seven years, I’ve actually been blogging for twelve. I started with Blogger, creating several blogs at a time when everything about blogging was basic and really mostly BETA. Then someone told me about WP, and I decided to move Rawsilkandsaffron here, and leave the other one with Blogger. I love the idea of exciting topics to talk about, and re-designing my blog every few years, adding all of the features offered to create a fun place to maintain and share. And although sometimes I second-guess the nature of the topics – in terms of what to share and what to keep private, at the end of the day we are all the same people – in good and in bad times. So, thank you for staying loyal, and adding your comments and clicking away the like button, and even sending me personal emails. I appreciate all of you and I look forward to the next decade or so of keeping you entertained. Here’s to hoping blogging never …

Newly Opened Anthropologie Crush

Last weekend I decided to do some actual mall shopping rather than a few online ones. The hubs and I made a day of it, with our dog in tow, we drove to Stanford Shopping Center to (really check out the new wing plus renovations the mall had undergone in the last year plus) aaaand to do “shopping.” What stood out for me was the two story Anthropologie store that opened, not sure exactly what day, but it was packed more so than any store and here’s the reasons why:

Sunday Thoughts

I’ve been pretty quiet for the past week…I suppose because life’s obligations has consumed me enough to put aside some things in order to juggle the most important of things.  And then I realized one sleepless night that  RawSilk&Saffron is one of the most important aspects of my life, and it was time I shifted my focus from all of the negative and  determine how far I want to take my site. So I’ve begun discussions with various website hosting companies, and other designers to…update my site to welcome more visitors, and engage on a level, I am too excited about. I am also in the process of putting a solid team together of those interested in contributing to RawSilk&Saffron. Please reach out to me if you are interested. You see there is still so much to do and say here, and I am taking a few more days to finalize the direction I plan to go…so stay tuned if you are a dedicated reader of RS&S, or sign up, if you aren’t.   There …