All posts filed under: French Inspired Decor

Intrigued By Design

As I gather ideas for home and garden, and finally begin the planning stages on how to renovate, I cannot help but feel utterly inspired by the old, the distressed, and the neutral of colors. Source

Decor: Do Something Nice For Yourself Or Your Kitchen

I realized in recent weeks, while finding my way through a promotion, that I have neglected my home – in that working from home at all hours of the day and night to adapt to this new role had taken precedent over everything else that defines working on the home. As some of us may know, or those of us overly organized minded, and meticulous, that in order to maintain order in the home, we must effort each and every spare second to tidy up. Well, it disappoints me to say that hasn’t happened in my household since the beginning of October. One area in particular that needs attention, even though I keep clean and managed after preparing a meal, and serving the family, is the kitchen. Which I also feel needs an update – this part is slotted for the future: Repaint the current cabinets, replace the countertops, either retile the current floor or replace with hardwood (my favorite) and update the appliances. Until then…I found the perfect inspiration to follow the steps into …

Lifestyles We Share

I think we can all agree and some may disagree that we have lots in common during this pandemic lockdown/half-lockdown/possible opening/maybe closing/much reservation in the season ahead – that we have found new ways to keep busy or distracted. In my case, updating the house, swooning over travel destinations, cooking, watching movies on various apps, and tapping into my artistic side – oh and don’t forget walking, lots of walking (which I used to do anyway) I’ve never been a fan of the gym. So this Thursday, while juggling a bathroom renovation, painting the kitchen cabinets to a lighter color – grayish-blue, and updating the bedroom, I am mostly focused on home renovations and what I am taking from each one: What’s got you distracted, or busy these days?

Tuesday Beautiful Things

June gloom is how Californian’s see this month – due to the relentless heavy fogs along the coast and sometimes even inland. Surprisingly, we had a few gorgeous days at the start of the month, so we took to the streets, parks, and sandy beach walks soaking it all up. Today, the fog has rolled in as expected, and we are once again indoors, wearing sweaters and socks and all things winter related. For this very reason, I felt the need to share some beautiful things to help stay focused on positive thoughts… {featured image source and credit here, here, here, here}

Decor: A French Riviera Home

Dreaming of owning a home high on a hilltop, say somewhere along the French Riviera? I do. Actually, anytime a film is made along the French coastline, I stop and watch, no matter how cheesy the story, like this and this film. So, naturally, I did a stop and watch with this amazing home tucked somewhere high above Cannes and had to share my admiration of the craftsmanship. The decor is truly in line with the environment, sixties inspired. The view isn’t bad either. featured image and source full credit

Food: Dinner Tonight – Chicken Salad

The recipe is titled Crispy Buffalo Ranch Chicken salad with Goddess dressing – and being that I am a goddess 🙂 I had to see what the ingredients are all about. I do love Buffalo Ranch chicken salad to start with and order the option at any given U.S. restaurant if they are wise enough to offer it on their menu. So, the only difference is this recipe calls for the goddess dressing: INGREDIENTS 1 pound boneless chicken breasts, cutlets, or tenders 1/2 cup buffalo sauce, homemade or store-bought 1 cup Panko bread crumbs 1 tablespoon each dried chives and dried parsley 2 teaspoons dried dill 1 teaspoon each garlic and onion powder 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper, more or less to taste 1 pinch each kosher salt and black pepper SALAD 2 heads romaine lettuce, shredded 4 carrots, shredded 4 celery stalks, chopped 2 Persian cucumbers, chopped 4 radishes thinly, sliced 1/2 cup fresh cilantro or parsley, roughly chopped 1 avocado, sliced 1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese or feta cheese GODDESS DRESSING 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 cup fresh cilantro 1/2 cup fresh basil 1 jalapeño, halved and seeded juice from 1 lemon  {more}  On another topic, recently an event I planned a few …

Decor: A Paris Apartment Reminder of A Past Life

I once had an aunt, well not really a biological one, but her sister was married to my uncle – and so she was an aunt by marriage. My parents were close to them, I suppose they were able to develop a solid friendship over the years, and so we would visit them often. Which happened to be my favorite of things to do when I was a child. Visit the ‘aunt who lived across the street from a central park’ in a far far away land. And her house was a museum, a French one, I did not realize until I frequented Paris and got a glimpse into past all the tourist stuff. This decor is a replica of all things their mansion, perched across the street from a central park.  

Decor: Bold Statement Made with Colors

I dared myself four years ago to add a bold color in my studio apartment I renovated adding very neutral colors so that I could tie in the outdoor to my indoor – the focal point being views of the Pacific Ocean and fenced gardens in-between homes. I wanted my guests to walk in and instantly look outside – which really isn’t hard to do. The boldest I’ve gone is a Tiffany colored throw pillows on the bed and similar shades on a built-in bookshelf. So, I have to admit, I do love the gutsy bold colors used throughout these rooms and naturally I needed to share. {Photo source}

Travel: Paris in Mind But Not the Usual Places

When I was ten I learned that my cousin, who was much older than me, had gone to Paris to study at Le Cordon Bleu. I had no idea what that meant, until years later, upon his return, I tasted the fancy meals he prepared for family gatherings and special occasions where he was hired to cater. When he moved to the states in the early 80’s, he opened a restaurant, but unfortunately for him, not at a time when the bay area was accustomed to trying different cuisines – particularly French.  So he was forced to close his restaurant and work as a chef at another, more steak and potatoes place. He died a few years back, after succumbing to cancer, without learning that San Francisco’s French restaurants have become some of the most famous.   I think of him often – about his style of cooking, and his love of French cuisine and every time I am at a French restaurant in San Francisco, I raise a glass of wine to him. I thought …