Month: September 2015

‘Ode’ to Paris Fashion Week

Paris and I go ways back, to when I first visited this amazing city at age eleven to visit with family at the time. Since then I’ve been to Paris a dozen plus times, not only for family, but just because, I need to be there every year simply soaking it up. In light of the fact it is Paris Fashion week, I’d like to share with a few tid-bits (if you will) about my favorite city-next to San Francisco of course. Well maybe just a tad more than San Francisco. {photo source} {photo source} {photo source}

Travel: Scotland It Is

Ah the beauty and intrigue of Scotland, I have forever passed up when traveling to Europe. Until a year back when a dear friend of mine insisted we make a stop in Scotland on our way to Italy, so she could show me her favorite destination in the world. I went along and sure enough, found myself falling in love with the country so much  that I actually  wrote another novel, currently in edit and cover design mode, about Scotland. Just a side note, I am having trouble coming up with a title. So for so many reasons,  I dedicate this travel piece to Scotland:  

Fall Bucket List – Some of Which I do

I love Fall, it’s become my favorite season nearly seven years ago, followed by Spring, then Summer,  and finally Winter.  Fall in San Francisco, and the greater bay area is a beautiful time of year. The weather  is really perfect, warm mostly, with hints of cold in the early morning and late evenings. The sunsets with fiery skies are the most memorable no matter what part of town you are.  Even foggy days feel right in the fall. There is so much to do during this season,  some of which (my favorites) I’ve included below, from a list detailing 35 things for Fall bucket list we should think about.   I have included a map of Autumn Foliage for the U.S and it is true November is the month for California to see some of the Autumn foliage.

Travel: Incredible Places That Actually Exist

There isn’t enough time in a lifetime to see and experience everything our beautiful planet has to offer and then some. So for  now the internet will have to do, for me to feel inspired, and understand why it is that life is truly beautiful and incredible. Here’s a glimpse of 12 incredible places that truly do exist. Some of the best photography I’ve seen in a while, and needed to share with all of you.  {Click here or on the photo to be redirected to the site}

Late Summer Early Autumn Street Style – For San Francisco

I’ve seen these images being circulated online on different sites for a few  days now. But  I was glad to discover that 31 of them were compiled on a list in one location – here – as late Summer Early Autumn Style, I’m guessing all snapped in the streets of New York. So, I made a list of my own (below) of what I call San Francisco techy style for me of course. {source}

Travel Or Not – This is still very interesting

Usually around this time of the year I stop searching online for all things travel. No wait, let me clarify. I am usually on a plane on a three-week vacation somewhere. But as I stated before I shifted my holidays/vacation/personal time off from  the normal September/October annually to early May. Hence, the constant click here and there for all things travel. Latest finds, which I feel are pretty damn interesting and worthy of sharing: