All posts filed under: photography

Pause On Long Time Passions

The Pandemic year, while cooped up at home, I outlined all sorts of projects for myself. Tapping mostly on my creative side, not applying techniques to my daily work, but actually drew up a plan: To do more writing and less working. Resurge my Etsy store during the holiday season to offer up those unique gifts and things, as well as improve my photography skills. Sounds like Fiscal year goals (for those of you with careers 🙂 ) Four years later, I have done nothing but work longer hours, thanks to working from home mainly, no Etsy products on display on my online store, now going on 3 holiday seasons passed. But the photography has been ample. Sharing on Instagram plenty, but not the kind where it drops a copy here in my website link for your viewing pleasure, but the ones that are saved under ‘ Insta-story’ where they fall off in 24 hours. Thought I’d share that with you today and the photos of course…

Happy Thoughts Will Get You Through

Is emotional abuse still a thing in a workplace? I ask while watching everyone around me jump ship-if you will from their current state of employment. Each day as I log off from my remote day-job, I reflect upon how it all went down. Mostly the latest resignations, and terminations in the name of business decisions to take the company to the next level. I get it. I understand business, but still in my gut I feel sickened by the way the world is shaping up in the name of greed. In order to cope, and carry-on or remain balanced. I take five or ten minutes throughout the day to walk through my garden, or dance to a classic tune, or simply meditate. Even daydream about being in a far away place, simply soaking up the sun and the laidback lifestyle. For example… In Positano, lounged on a recline in a terrace here works just as well A stroll through the narrow streets of Paris Switzerland in the Springtime Would you…live in near isolation…if you …

Beautiful Things

On this Sunday morning I felt the need to inspire you… To seek nature and all it’s beauty To experience a gourmet coffee shop To discover an English Tudor or cottage style home in your neighborhood or beyond. To sit on a park bench along a lakeside and observe the ducks. I guarantee you will walk away feeling the most peaceful. To Consider a wall refresh in your formal dining room