All posts filed under: entertainment

In Films and Novels

What are you watching these days? Or reading for that matter? The other day I noticed a woman sitting in a secluded outdoor space, in between two stores in an outdoor mall. She was reading an actual book. Not a nook, or a variation of an electronic reading devices. But an actual book. I sat a few tables away from her and occasionally glanced in her direction, me mostly wondering what the squirrel that was inching towards her was intending to do. Two things that I admired that afternoon. Her being engrossed in the novel she was reading – Conversations With Friends by Sally Rooney – which I had binged watched on television-Hulu a month or so back. The second, was the squirrel utterly unafraid to be inches away from her. Perhaps the squirrel knew her, I thought. Maybe the woman frequented that very spot and they became friends. From the corner of her eye, she looked towards the squirrel and smiled, giving the squirrel the encouragement it was seeking to approach – I can …

Topics of Interest For The Weekend

Things that continue to escalate or shift every week, has us all on edge. Whether we feel helpless, or need help, we need to balance ourselves however way possible in order to cope. What’s in your Airbnb? Here’s one woman’s effort to create unique experiences. {read more} I found this article very interesting while doing research for my next book – Ancient guide to uncertain times. I have yet to come to terms with losing my dog. Each time I think I have progressed in the way I feel about it, I find myself getting all choked up. Strangely enough this article has defined everything a person feels after losing a beloved pet. In certain cultures, there are healers of many ailments. This article shares with the reader one particular healing of ‘bad luck’. Do you believe?

What To Watch On Television

I don’t have a specific genre, in terms of choosing films or television series to watch. I just click and go from one streaming app to the next based on the film/show poster. I used to care about the who and the why, but I’m more now going with – just entertain me please. Here’s the recent recommends. I’ve got more, but will pause until next time. What films/televisions series do you recommend? Featured image source and full credit

Smile Worthy Oceanic Masterpiece

I have to admit, I’ll always choose animals/mammals over humans any day. Sounds a bit harsh? Perhaps. But I feel as if I have a deep, and soothing connection with all things nature, and for that very reason, I want to share this spectacular creation. Which I replay on my laptop, the moment I feel overwhelmed or stressed with work. Enjoy Featured image source and full credit here

Life Rhythm And White Space

As I listen to close friends and family members vent to me about various aspects of their lives: stress, anxiety and struggles with depression, I wonder how I can relay to them lessons I have learned over the years from my own life experiences, without offending or hurting their feelings. So for the time being I simply listen, and in between I insert some tidbits… Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself. After all you are the doing best that you can under all circumstances. Strengthen Your Core (Body and mind) : Avoid fad diets and opt for healthy eating instead. Exercise in the simplest fashion possible-walk any way possible, or dance in the middle of your living room to your favorite tunes. Take care of your mental health-whether simply hiding in a corner of the house, with the lights off, meditating to calming music. Or watching a stand-up comedy on television, or simply dabbling in a craft or hobby. Strengthening your core should be the least stressful thing you do. Find Your Life Rhythm: May …

Some Interesting Facts

Our (U.S.) first three day weekend of the year, and we woke up to Tsunami warnings along the Pacific Coast. Apparently, a ripple affect from the Volcanic eruption in the South Pacific here. Although we did not get the full impact on this side of the coast-California, much different was reported from the other side, as well as Chili in South America. I stared at my views of the Pacific ocean much of Saturday thinking about how one body of water, connecting two continents, can impact the other side in so many different ways-be it a scientific, or natural force. Apparently this eruption was a ‘once-in-a-millennium‘ event, just in case you are as intrigued as I am. And yet, I wonder how one would have any time to prepare for such a thing? I couldn’t shake off the feeling on Sunday while moping around the house. So by nightfall, I decided a Monday day-trip was necessary to help unwind and/or stop the obsession over natural disasters. So we settled on Sonoma, mostly for the picturesque …

Virtual Travel To Ireland

Do you select a film to watch based on location? Let me clarify. I understand selecting a movie to watch is normally based upon genre, actors as well as the story line. But do you ever search for films based on location? I do and last night it was all about Ireland. You see, I haven’t been to Ireland and it is one destination that I put on my list of destinations to visit in 2020. And we know what happened to the world as we once knew it. So until I feel safe enough to travel, films on location will simply have to do. Finding You – based on a novel by Jenny B Jones is certainly worth seeing for a virtual tour of some of the most beautiful countryside in Ireland. I found myself swooning over the breathtaking scenery and the small towns along the way. The storyline was also interesting as it touched upon connections between generations and the ways of thinking and living. Shattered dreams, broken hearts, funny moments and some …

TV Show Recommend

What are you watching on television these days? I normally list a handful of film recommends here for consideration or my recommendation. But The Chair requires a post of its own. Best show I stumbled upon on Netflix two nights ago was The Chair. And sadly with only six episodes (for season 1 – here’s to hoping for more) the series managed to deliver a wonderfully written story based around so many modern day topics. With a great cast, and perfect storytelling, we are introduced to… Single-mother attempting to do it all on her own for an adopted child who naturally hates her. Empty-nester syndrome. University life not so much based around the students (yet) but more of the faculty challenges in keeping up with the times. Power struggles as always in any story. There’s Color issues, gender issues and much more introduced in every 30-minute episode. I could not ask for a better distraction right about now. Thank you Amanda Peet! Can’t wait for season 2 (hopefully) {featured image source here}

What’s On Our Minds Lately

As I stood in front of the cashier at Trader Joe’s (national chain grocery store) yesterday waiting for him to scan my groceries, he asked how my day was going. I was used to the question. It is one all of the friendly TJ cashiers ask. I told him it was fine. He then noticed the bouquet of flowers in my cart, and asked if they were for me or a gift for someone else. I told him it was a little of both. Some for my home-office desk (a ritual I started when we were only allowed to shop for essentials), and the rest for my mother. He then asked what line of work I was in. I told him. And he told me he was laid off last year, but was glad to be working again. One topic led to the next, and somehow we ended up exchanging opinions about the toll the pandemic has had on society and the eagerness to get back to ‘whatever normal was’. He asked if I was …

Interesting Articles From Around The World

I woke up this morning feeling hopeful that I didn’t have to sit in darkness all day while I worked – along with many others around California and other parts of the world on fire currently.  Yet I stayed in bed for a while, thinking about how to proceed with my day.  Meaning, I have many projects to muddle through – work and my three novels currently in revision and edits –  and I am trying to figure out – in what order. Then I thumbed through Instagram, which I normally do and then did a bit of coloring on a paint by numbers app on my phone – all while thinking and pondering and contemplating about the future of social media, this platform and others having us tied to our cell phones as if our life depended on it – and well – it actually does. And this happened: Which then led to this interesting take:  But I couldn’t get enough – so I dove an article on what makes a good person:   And …