Month: January 2023

Would You…

I do much thinking and contemplating throughout the day, even in the most busiest hours. My mind tends to wander off, to the most unusual of thoughts. For example: If I had a armoire or a closet fit for royalty, would I make an effort to look my best every day or maintain my post-pandemic look? {source} If I held on to the most cherished of friendships, I wonder where in time and space we would meet? {source} I’ve recently started watching Three Pines, set in Quebec and surrounding areas in Canada. Although I could not have imagined a more perfect small town for a hideway getaway. The murders which took place throughout the series had me thinking twice… {Photo Source} One evening in my state of restlessness, I decided on learning the art of watercoloring. Not sure how this new adventure in my otherwise mundane life will pan out, but I am excited to share. Once it takes off…so stay tuned. Are you aching to learn a new hobby? Although we’re only in week …