Month: September 2022

Autumn Vibe

The brisk feel of Autumn air in the early morning hours and even more after sundown is a time of year I welcome…

The Constant…No More

While in the countryside this past week, committed to unplug from all things electronic, I received news that her Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, had passed away. Which I knew had been long time coming, considering how delicate her state of being was in the past year. Nevertheless, I somehow felt it wouldn’t be in my lifetime. I felt choked up on my way up the stairs to a quieter part of the house. And there I sat on the bed, as if the world had come to an end…and in a way, it has. She was the constant in our world of elevated madness and chaos. A tender reminder of strength, dignity and resiliency, I admired, and often mirrored to endure my worst of days. What would the Queen do, I used to remind myself… featured image full credit