All posts filed under: family and children

Lifestyle: Core Values and How To Be a Conscious Listener

Today’s virtual and in person human connection has me worried. I know there are reminders in recent days about being in the moment and all. But unless we make extra effort to be conscious and aware, past the political social media influence, the humanity as we know it will become extinct. I took part in a self-betterment program several months back through my current employer and although I went into it with an open mind, I had no idea the lasting impact such a program could have. So I decided it was time to share some key points, an introduction if you will, just in case, you’ve reached a cross-road… To start, I was asked to list my 10 core values and rate them from 1-10. Ten being the most important. Here’s what I want to add to that. After you have listed and rated your core values. List 10 more values you perceive are relevant in today’s society. Compare the two lists and share. I promise this will lead somewhere Second, have you ever …

Interesting Topics For The Week

I know we are all busy, too busy juggling life, family, back to school and other important milestones. But sometimes it is good to hit that pause button and just get lost in the otherwise… This article about a classic Hollywood star is endearing This one about a time-capuled town on the verge of revive after 50 years of desolation. And if you’ve ever wanted a home in the French countryside, you might want to read this article.

Lifestyle: Have you Considered…

Yes, we are doing this, this morning. Getting a pep talk. You see I was up all night thinking about the various  conversations that I had with different people throughout the day which sadly brought my mood down. I mean you might very well know that right now we can all use more positive thinking than most other times to help get through these difficult of days/weeks/and for sure months. The sucky part was that I wondered while laying in bed, with eyes wide open, hyperventilating – whether those folks that I spoke to were sound asleep, since they were able to offload some of the weight from their shoulders onto someone like me – a solid listener, and provider of the utmost reassurances. So, if you happen to be in my shoes, or their shoes, or on the fence as to which end of the stick you are holding right now, I share with you some wonderful reads I found online which got me to this morning.  By the way, have you considered going …

Let’s Share What We Are Doing to Keep Distracted

Besides writing more now than ever, working from home, and baking in abundance, I set aside a few hours a day for the following: Visiting one virtual museum a day from Google Arts and Culture and escaping into another world   Watch virtual tours exploring national parks and aquarium and  the zoo  Today’s advise – don’t stay in your pajamas the entire day while social distancing  

Culture: Halloween Appetizers and Films

I was in Hawaii last week, and was amazed at how seriously Halloween is taken there. I don’t know what I was thinking – on a romantic tropical island, for Halloween preparation to trump over most everything pleasantly surprised me. So, we must prep here on the mainland and across the world for this growing and very popular holiday by sharing some interesting topics. {featured image source and inspiration for this post}

Food: Saturdays Are For Baking

I’ve been craving cinnamon swirled baked goods – mostly brioche with my mother’s recipe. But I decided to go with this one instead – a simple loaf, which can either be smothered in Marscapone and cherry Jam or eaten simply with a cup of coffee, I think the fact it is an easy recipe to follow, I will put my hair up, wear my cozy slippers and head to the kitchen to bake before anyone wakes up: Eh hum – don’t let the butter scare you – it’s a croissant style loaf. INGREDIENTS 1 3/4 cups warm whole milk 1 tablespoon instant yeast 2 tablespoons honey 4 1/2 – 5 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for rolling 2 teaspoons kosher salt 6 tablespoons (1/2 cup) salted butter, at room temperature 2 sticks (1 cup) cold salted butter, sliced into thin pieces 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 egg, beaten, for brushing  {more} After breakfast, hopefully we can pull off a trip to Napa to see the colorful Autumn landscape and have some wine of course 🙂 – stay tuned! And oh, what are you doing this weekend?   

Looking Forward to October

The first day of the month, and only 90 days to the end of the year. But no worries, October is a month I look forward to, especially after the sluggishness and the unmotivated I felt by the end of August, and all throughout September. To me, October is the month to shed all the negative and just enjoy the most brilliant of colors, the layering in fashion, the shift in decor,  comfort food in recipes, and the prelude to the holiday planning.  October is the coolest month of the year. What Film to see, what recipe book to buy, and where to vacation in October    

Five Interesting Articles From Around The Internet

We’ve had a couple of very hot days around San Francisco, to the point it was stifling. San Franciscans are never happy with our climate – too cold, too hot, too foggy, too windy. But it is what it is – global warming or not, we have seen the same pattern year in and year out. Doesn’t mean I don’t believe in global warming or are not concerned with all the issues surfacing across the globe, I am simply stating around this part of the world, we have grown accustom to the seasons. Today, after finishing up a conference call, working from home, since my beautiful dog isn’t feeling his best. Hasn’t really for a while, I realize I needed a distraction or two and what better way then to focus on some not front-page topics. {featured image source and inspiration for this blog entry}

Afraid They Just Might Find Out?

My entire life, I walk this earth, displaying a strong persona – someone who can handle most anything and everything, as long as I am able to trouble-shoot and handle all that comes my way. This has been my motto, and my advise to everyone in my life. Recently though, I’ve struggled with keeping up appearances, in that I am beginning to feel overwhelmed with all of the responsibilities and what is expected of me from members of my family. The funny thing is, everyone always apologizes for adding to my already stressful life, but yet, it still happens, and I am right there to help, even at the expense of my exhaustion. Just so you have a clear understanding…usually around this time of the year, in between end of summer to the beginning of fall, I often feel out of whack, and end up doing and saying things not usually the norm for me-not sure why that is, but I wonder if you have experienced such mood changes during this time of the year? …