All posts filed under: romantic backyards

What A Backyard Reno Should Feel Like

In light of the fact, we are all adapting to new ways of living, mostly outdoors, I have decided next spring to embark, well actually, hire someone to actually do the hard labor of renovating our backyard. Which hasn’t been touched since the house was built in the 1930s. Disclaimer: Most backyards, in homes in the sunset in San Francisco are hardly used since before COVID everyone would simply venture to the outdoors near and far in California. So, Spring, and these ideas are being pinned on my board to help set the direction of the landscape I am aiming to achieve. Source and full credit

In Need of Motivation

I don’t think it is realized just how important a little sunshine every day is until summer in San Francisco, waking up every morning to a dense fog and temperatures in the mid to high 50’s at most. I know to some folks that’s not cold, but it is in the bay area standards. So, this Monday morning I need some motivation to…