All posts filed under: Nature travel

Happy Thoughts Will Get You Through

Is emotional abuse still a thing in a workplace? I ask while watching everyone around me jump ship-if you will from their current state of employment. Each day as I log off from my remote day-job, I reflect upon how it all went down. Mostly the latest resignations, and terminations in the name of business decisions to take the company to the next level. I get it. I understand business, but still in my gut I feel sickened by the way the world is shaping up in the name of greed. In order to cope, and carry-on or remain balanced. I take five or ten minutes throughout the day to walk through my garden, or dance to a classic tune, or simply meditate. Even daydream about being in a far away place, simply soaking up the sun and the laidback lifestyle. For example… In Positano, lounged on a recline in a terrace here works just as well A stroll through the narrow streets of Paris Switzerland in the Springtime Would you…live in near isolation…if you …

Friday Interesting Travel Topics Online

My head is always in the clouds, or somewhere else from where I am currently, lounging perhaps poolside in a French Riviera resort or walking the cobblestoned streets through an English coastal town. So the search for travel topics let me down this road: The private village of Clovelly in England, which charges a fee to visit. Egypt’s city of El Gouna doing their best to be mindful of the environment is worth a read for like minded folks such as myself The wonderment of the Aztec civilization history is one I will always share here. While enroute somewhere do you watch for signs that announce the places you have left and the place you have arrived? I remember once in Europe, I crossed a bridge on foot connecting one small town in France to another in Switzerland. Can’t remember where it was, but felt insanely invigorating doing something like that. In light of the curiosity, I am sharing this article about towns crossing borders, or borders crossing through towns. Lastly, click away here for …

Unintentional Break

Last week was a continuation of previous weeks x two. Which has me wondering – why does everything require a zoom meeting? The idea of needing a scheduled call to ‘be on the same page’ has me booked up through the end of April. Not complaining just sharing too much information. But in all honesty I have missed staying connected here and do want to know how everyone is truly doing out there as we watch our world shift and change. And humanity be swayed in every direction imaginable to feel and think a certain way. I do my best to focus on the positive and live my life as simply as possible. Some of the things that keep me motivated are the stuff I am thankful and very grateful for. Have a nice day…

Some Interesting Facts

Our (U.S.) first three day weekend of the year, and we woke up to Tsunami warnings along the Pacific Coast. Apparently, a ripple affect from the Volcanic eruption in the South Pacific here. Although we did not get the full impact on this side of the coast-California, much different was reported from the other side, as well as Chili in South America. I stared at my views of the Pacific ocean much of Saturday thinking about how one body of water, connecting two continents, can impact the other side in so many different ways-be it a scientific, or natural force. Apparently this eruption was a ‘once-in-a-millennium‘ event, just in case you are as intrigued as I am. And yet, I wonder how one would have any time to prepare for such a thing? I couldn’t shake off the feeling on Sunday while moping around the house. So by nightfall, I decided a Monday day-trip was necessary to help unwind and/or stop the obsession over natural disasters. So we settled on Sonoma, mostly for the picturesque …

Travel: Destinations in Film

I’ve seen different folks going in and out of the neighbor’s house across the street for the past month or so. And right away I realized they are Airbnb-ing (hosting) their property. It’s not that I am stalking, but while parking my car, or doing landscape maintenance, I see different folks in and out, taxis and Ubers pulling up. A call is made in the driveway and definitely a code is shared and next thing you know, the garage door opens and these different individuals, men mostly, go inside. Days later a maid service comes in to clean up and then the family of 6 return home. Which gets me thinking, where do they go for those days while a stranger is in their home? I mean the children are of school age, all under ten going to a physical school instead of online? How does this family juggle such a lifestyle? So I decided to do a search on Airbnb and discovered there are countless homes around my block alone that host vacationers or …

Beautiful Things

On this Sunday morning I felt the need to inspire you… To seek nature and all it’s beauty To experience a gourmet coffee shop To discover an English Tudor or cottage style home in your neighborhood or beyond. To sit on a park bench along a lakeside and observe the ducks. I guarantee you will walk away feeling the most peaceful. To Consider a wall refresh in your formal dining room

Lazy Sunday Vibe

I love the idea of lazy Sundays. Although life hardly allows for such a wonderful concept with all the errands and other responsibilities taking up too much time in our lives. But still, there is no harm in imaging being lounged on a recline, on a terrace overlooking a body of water somewhere along the coastal villages in Greece or Italy or on a hammock in a tropical destination, just to name a few. Because just maybe…the universe is paying attention…