All posts filed under: kitchen design

Saturday Topics of Interest

We are swayed by the news, whether positive or negative, the photographs and captions tug at our heart-strings. Either making us smile, or cry, or remain in some sort of shock – the reaction seems to impacts us down to our core. Or so we believe… Because I always do wonder – how different people around different parts of the world really process or handle news that are transmitted to the masses through social media or in print. For example: Those near the North Pole, or deep in the Amazon, or the Himalayan mountainous regions, or somewhere pretty isolated from all things metropolitan – I would love to know how is it they feel about world news. On that note – I decided to share some interesting topics for you to react however way you see fit. The topic of what not to say in a job interview is one most of us in the work-force understand all too well. Or maybe not. But this article is one I thought I’d share just in case …

Decor: Different Shades of Inspiration

I’ve been discussing a much needed renovation with family and friends for two homes and a condo. We started out with a wish list, and then the planning and considering actual timeline throughout 2020. The only trouble is, just when we think we have it down -as far as our vision, another option pops up online and we are back to the wish list. As of today December 3, 2019 – this is what’s happening: {featured image source and inspiration for this blog post}

Decor: The Pantry Perfection

When we sold our house in Sacramento and moved back to San Francisco, wow… a decade ago,  we settled for a studio apartment near sunset beach until we figured out where we wanted to live next in the bay area. But, since we made the small space our perfect home, I cannot see myself living anywhere else. So, after much consideration, we decided to stay, and last year renovated the living  space and bath, with the intend we would tackle the makeshift kitchen which is currently a build-out as part of the garage. The most important item on my list is a pantry or two, kind of a combination of these perfect options. Which is a kitchen concept from here  and I love the industrial feel to the design perfect for a garage build-out

Decor: Simple Kitchen Changes To Refresh For That Holiday Party You’re Hosting

So it’s your turn – is it? For that family, or friends get-together in your humble home. But after agreeing you realize – oh s**** the kitchen, and you either wish you could re-route the party to someone else’s home or find ways to spruce it up just in time for that amazing party you plan to throw. Here are some suggestions I found to be simply gorgeous and pretty lasting: And here’s the bonus to this article – how to throw a dinner party like the French – might be the best idea yet. Especially for this girl who is all things French at heart:

Decor: Subway Tiles or In This Case Not

I am a huge fan of what we refer to in the states, back splash for the kitchen walls in between the counter and the upper cabinets. I’m not sure when the trend all started, but it is a design wonder I appreciate. So just in case you are in the mood to update your kitchen or feeling the need to shake things up a bit, in a good way, then here are some interesting ideas to consider:

Decor: Thoughts to Consider For Your Upcoming Home Makeover

Last year around this time, I drove everyone crazy with the helpful hints I found online, in stores and from those dear to me regarding the makeover I was planning on for my San Francisco studio apartment I will most like never part with–yes I love it that much. It suits me perfect, as long as I can revamp it every few years. Anyway, just in case you happen to be contemplating a re-decor, revamps, makeover and all others terms describing a refreshed look, then you might find these topics helpful, or just ask me. 🙂 {featured image article is all about the paint, click here}

Lifestyle: Downsizing A Home

I have to say I live on HGTV, watching every show, even on repeat, about choices of homes and decor options people opt for. Even the ones who ditch their 3-bedroom-2bath lifestyle to ones in tiny places. And don’t get me started on folks interested in buying islands, or moving away to one continent to the other in search for their happy place. Well, I pretty much have found my happy place, in a small studio apartment with views overlooking the ocean in San Francisco. I couldn’t ask for a better lifestyle change from our 5-bedroom, 3-bath sprawl with a pool and all in Sacramento. I do admit at first it was a struggle, with the hubs and I getting in each other’s ways and feeling as if there wasn’t enough room for all of the “stuff” we carefully kept from all the downsizing we did. Actually, one of the exciting things about the move was that we sold everything – in furniture that is, and moved into our space with nothing really. Okay maybe …

Decor: Inspired By The Europeans

Streamline and sensible is what I realized over the years, my decor should be. I mean I have never been a fan of clutter, nor felt the need to over decorate. I’ve kept my home to a minimal for decades. And now since I am planning a tiny space renovation, I can’t help but fall in love with these concepts: