Month: March 2015

recipe: grilled avocado and caprese

Why is it on Monday’s I ‘m thinking about food? Anyway, over the weekend I found this recipe online and surprised my hubby with it. It’s funny I hardly followed the step by step. I simply looked at the photograph and knew exactly how to recreate. I also poached eggs and dropped it on top. It was delicious.  So, either way you try it, this is a fun and simple meal for a Friday night wind down with a bottle of your favorite cab. {photo and recipe credit click here}

photography: rome behind the scenes

I know I am going to regret not going to Rome this year, since I do every year, but plans are a little different and my usual trip abroad will consist of a few surprise destinations.  Until then I want to share with you this amazing article I found online, about photography and Rome. Two of my favorite hobbies. The interesting thing is I know exactly where the photos were taken, even the one below: {photo and article credit click here}

beauty article of interest or not

I tend to stay away from reading too many beauty articles. Mostly because I like to discover and create my own beauty regiment, and follow what works for me. God knows I’ve tried them all, brands, colors, application techniques, different regiments, and through it all I found what works for me personally. This is one area I feel isn’t shareable because everyone is different, and not all products work for any two people the same way. But since I also believe in mostly organic beauty secrets, like the ones my grandmother, and aunts used decades ago, I found this article simply delightful, and for sure something worth sharing. What are your beauty secrets? {photo and article credit click here}

healthy eating: kale quinoa bites

Over the weekend I maintain my healthy eating as much as possible, minus of course the occasional bottle of wine I share with friends and family. But come Mondays, I want to share with you only healthy recipes to set the tone for the week. I’ve worked hard  losing weight and toning my body, and I will not let it go to waste :). Anyway, check out this kale and Quinoa Bites recipe, very easy to make and surely wonderful to nibble on here and there: {photo and recipe credit click here}

travel destination: Vietnam, Sơn Đoòng

I am always following travel, learning about new destinations, untapped territory, and whatever organic  destination someone discovers. So, here is one about Vietnam, and the fascinating cave with its own climate, jungle and river which runs through it. A travel destination for those who seek adventure. In all reality, we’ve all seen an underworld in movies. But I never imagined for it to exist.

paris fashion week: balenciaga 2015-16

Ah the love of fashion, the creative aspect of it, the vision, the wonderful exciting suggestions from every designer, always taking a risk, and raising the bar. I love all of it. I live for fashion, and wish I could partake in attending all fashion weeks in Paris, Milan, New York. You get the point. Here are some of my favorites from Balenciaga and of course you are welcome to click here to see the rest: