All posts filed under: Relationship and marraige

Lifestyle: Is It Really Love…

Or madness – as I read this article listing the 19 best love stories of all times in comparison to modern definition or thinking – about stalking, obsession, and simple criminal behavior. Or do we just chalk it all up to being true love and the measures humans would go to achieve the forbidden ones. How do you know if you are in love or otherwise? 

So Many Things Go Through My Mind On A Daily Basis

I always wonder if this has been the case forever, where on a daily basis so many things go through our minds. I want to believe that life was truly much simpler in the past,  and definitely before the social media craze. I mean yes we did have concerns and worries, but I don’t think the way we obsessed about them was as bad as it is now – when every day we thumb through our phones at least six or more times, in search of answers, all of which contradict one another – us hoping to relate to an article that will set us straight and perhaps help us achieve to become the best person we can – even if some of the suggestions are crazy ridiculous and we know it. The other day, I was pushing my cart in a grocery store, while my mind was on a thousand other things,  thinking…and then I heard “excuse you b****,” a man’s voice shouting in my direction when apparently I crossed his path. Which isn’t …