All posts filed under: A year in review 2015

My Request On This Easter Day

The past several months, I’ve been sad and very frightened about what is going on around the world and here in the U.S. Stemming mostly from information overload that is truly driving everyone to some sort of madness. At work, at home, and even on Facebook, expressing nothing but hatred towards mankind, global warming, economic issues, war, terrorism, religion, sexual orientation and political corruption. Since when in modern times, have we become so scary intolerant of anyone voicing any sort of opinion, or taking a stand on what they believe? and if we continue on this path, where will this world end up? So I plead on this Easter day for the world to stop, and take a moment to reflect upon the beauty of life, and the universe and everything that was bestowed upon us to make the best of it all. And if you find yourself still in an evil state of mind. Then for heaven’s sake go seek solace in whatever religion you believe in, and pray the heavens above for mental …

A Year In Review From This Blogger – 2015

Another year has gone by. And we are all right back where we started. Setting new year resolutions we wish to achieve. Losing weight in America always a priority, possibly getting a better job, or finding that special someone, or even leaving the one you are with, hoping to find happiness in the most unusual ways. And then there are weddings to attend, babies to be had, and unfortunately loved ones to lose – all of them realities of life. Coping, and finding solutions is the best way to move past the unforeseen. Planning and being organized is the way to deal with the known. Saving ahead and strategizing is surely helpful when seeking a new career. And as for love, relationships or marriage, that is something that requires nurturing, compassion, and determination to make it happen and to keep it lasting. These are a few things I plan to keep in mind well into 2016. In the meantime, I want to share with you my 2015 :