All posts filed under: inspiration

Take Time For Yourself

While on a work call to discuss developmental goals for my team, I realized that under the insane demands of life, I do not make any effort to care for myself. Funny how one topic leads to another Not because I don’t want to, nor NOT know how to self-care, but the demands of work and unexpected events in life since the middle of June have not allowed me to continue on a positive path to wellness. I do worry about the toll my unexpected life is taking on me and currently trying to figure out how to find the right balance past what everyone says: How do you find balance?

There Is a Purpose To Everything

Do you believe, that where you are today in your life, is the path that will lead you to where you really need to be ultimately? I believe it… Think about it If things don’t pan out the way they do every single year from birth to current state, then how will you achieve the personal growth to become your own-individual-success story? All roads literally do lead….to where we are all destined to be…never mind the detours along the way Have an amazing day! {source}

How Are We All Doing?

I sit through countless daily meetings at my day job, wondering how we are all still functioning in a society that has changed so drastically since the pandemic. I do this because, no one seems to be the same in their behaviors, thought process, dedication, listening, comprehension and all other mannerisms of a modern society. I spoke of this to a co-worker based in our India office, who I have not seen nor spoken to in two years. We’ve simply responded to email chains. But we did the usual getting side-tracked, and had a heart-to-heart about this very thing. By the end of the conversation he said to me: M just float on… Which made me smile. What a nice concept, to simply float on. Thereafter, all I could do for the rest of my day, was allow my mind to float on.. to the recent films I’ve watched filmed on location, in Europe, or tropical destinations from everywhere and anywhere, and that feeling helped me get by. So I am curious, how do you …

Let’s Touch Base

Recent meetings at work are titled…let’s touch base. I suppose only because of yet another re-org, restructure, and re-re et all. Which gets me thinking on days where I feel off, that if it is still worth the fight? To stay focused, see the bigger picture, and all things that drives one to aim for the ultimate success in their career. Until…that part of life, trumps all others and you realize on the seventh day of December, that you haven’t made an effort to decorate the house, nor focus on the upcoming holiday. Then you look around, and think, perhaps the joy of the holiday season is no longer the way it once was. And that we are all simply going through the motion of making Christmas happen. Am I alone in this thinking? And…forgive me for sounding downbeat…but I do wonder if we will ever get back the true spirit of Christmas? What are you thoughts?

Sunday Wind Down

After a week of being off from all things work in the name of staycation and no social media, I am slowly inching my way back to reality. This perfect little workspace I adore Kitchen simpleness from here Excited to report I am back in the game after a long pause to heal a broken hand Aching for a trip to Cornwall very soon And naturally not a day goes by that I don’t find an interesting travel article, and one I cannot resist to share. Val d’Aran, a town in the Pyrenees {here} which stands on its own right even while part of France and/or Spain. What are you up to on this Sunday?