Year: 2015

A Year In Review From This Blogger – 2015

Another year has gone by. And we are all right back where we started. Setting new year resolutions we wish to achieve. Losing weight in America always a priority, possibly getting a better job, or finding that special someone, or even leaving the one you are with, hoping to find happiness in the most unusual ways. And then there are weddings to attend, babies to be had, and unfortunately loved ones to lose – all of them realities of life. Coping, and finding solutions is the best way to move past the unforeseen. Planning and being organized is the way to deal with the known. Saving ahead and strategizing is surely helpful when seeking a new career. And as for love, relationships or marriage, that is something that requires nurturing, compassion, and determination to make it happen and to keep it lasting. These are a few things I plan to keep in mind well into 2016. In the meantime, I want to share with you my 2015 :

Cocktails, Board Games and Comfy Sweats

This year we’ve decided to stay home for New Year’s Eve. Actually, let me re-state. We will drive up to near Tahoe and stay indoors with family and friends. Mostly in our sweats, experimenting with a variety of drinks each one of us were asked to make this year for the group. Board games a must, trying to stay away from all things electronic as much as possible. (Let’s see if it will work) The part about staying off our smart-phones. Anyway, I found a list of drinks I’d like to make and just in case you are planning the same sort of celebration, mostly welcoming the new year within the comfort of your own home – then feel free to explore these and many more options:  

Trend: New Years Eve Hair

I saw this hair style on a bartender at the Cheese Cake Factory on Union Square, days before Christmas, while grabbing lunch in between Christmas shopping. And I fell involve with it and although she and I spoke for a bit about the ‘how to’ she used to achieve such an amazing look – hers was a little better – I could not for the life of me figure out the technique until:  

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With Strings…These are a few of my favorite things

Christmas Gift Wrapping ideas I look forward to each year from this site, where a dozen or more suggestions are added from various sites. I love the creative aspect and the fact, we have a store – lucky for me – Papersource in San Francisco to help obtain these wonderful looks or something close to them. Here are some of my favorites for this year’s gift wrapping:    

Travel: Visual Break – Cities That Do Christmas Best

I figured we all need a mental break, from stressing over what to get the loved ones. It’s funny, I got out of the house yesterday even though  I said I wouldn’t, and roamed the malls, Stanford Shopping Mall to be exact. And there I people watched, trying to figure out the choice of their gifts. I loved the perfume counter, men hovering over the perfume, and selecting something from the list their significant others provided them. And then there was Banana Republic, luring customers to buy a piece of clothing at 50pct off, but only one item, the rest would be 40pct off. Interesting marketing.  Williams-Sonoma was my favorite, the best holiday gift – a Nespresso Machine at a deep discount of 30pct – I hadn’t seen such a price anywhere else. I needed a visual break – and what better way then to think travel-Conde Nest Traveler 14 cities that do the best Christmas.  I don’t know if the list is complete, but for now it will do.  And I really think they …

French Onion Mac and Cheese and Football

A dreary Sunday I decided to spend at home, instead of walking through a mall for last-minute Christmas shopping. I felt the need to wind down, especially from the crazy busy week prior – coordinating festivities week at work, and planning the company holiday party in addition to my normal chores. With the mood I am in, I needed comfort food, a hearty steak and this amazing recipe I found, and had to share – French onion mac and cheese. Something which will become a norm at my house going forward.