All posts filed under: kindle

e-book gift idea for the woman in your life

I am happy to announce, my first novel, Piazza Navona (the correct version) is finally available in e-book. I had trouble with the 1st edition, being that is was the incorrect one uploaded through the distribution company. But now, edition 2 is the final copy and available right now. The book is an ideal gift for any woman over 30, you are considering buying an e-book for or the first download for  their first e-book reading gadget you plan to gift. I promise you won’t be disappointed.  Click on the photo to be redirected.

reading recommends – book, nook and kindle

I can’t believe this. I have stayed away from reading recommends because I was trying to delay the inevitable. But more and more, people are switching over to the nook, kindle and every other gadget out there as their choice for reading  materials. I get the craze, but I am sad to see the paperbacks and hardbacks slowly disappear along with mom and pop bookstores.  It was nice to stop staring at a computer screen for a few hours and be able to curl up on a bed or a couch and read an actual “book” but these are the times and those are our choices and although I am having a difficult time accepting it, I know eventually I will become a minority with the way I feel about it. Anyway, here are some interesting books I discovered while shuffling through the gadget category. Let me know if you have read any of them and what you think or if you would consider reading any of them sometime in the near future.

recommended reads and e-books for springtime

I haven’t bought books for a while because I am toying with the idea of  “e-booking” – but only for the novels and nothing else (Just in case you are wondering – cookbooks, photography and travel books, collectables I still want in hardcover form). I don’t know, I am not sold on it yet, the e-booking thing, but either way I have made my list of books to read and recommend (above) for Springtime. I would love to hear from those who have read the above books or if they recommend others.