Month: October 2013

healthy recipe: vegan pumpkin pie

On this Halloween day, I decided to share a healthy recipe I found here, mostly to make myself feel better for not running to the office candy jar at the receptionist’s desk for a fix or showing up to a conference room full of sugary treats in celebration of. I decided to remain focused and persevere 🙂 no matter how challenging the task. vegan mini pumpkin pies Yield: approx. 6-8 3-inch mini pies Ingredients for the filling: 1 cup original Almond Breeze Almond Milk 3 tablespoons corn starch 1/4 cup maple syrup 1 cup canned pumpkin puree 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon allspice 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon salt optional – 2 more teaspoons maple syrup for the pies: this recipe for vegan pie dough crushed pecans for garnish optional-coconut whip, or whipped topping of choice Instructions Make your pie dough and set it in the fridge to chill while you make the filling. (note-leave in the fridge if you’re not going to assemble pies right away. Dough will …

photography by a blogger

These days there is no clear definition of great photography since anyone, and everyone dabbles in the hobby or not. As long as a photograph touches someone, or inspires them in some way and speaks volumes just by the image shot through a lens, it’s an effective piece of artwork, for sure at first glance. I’ve taken photoraphs since my father bought me my first camera at eleven, so I have always carried a camera with me wherever I went. Not so much since my iPhone (I know), but I haven’t stopped taking photographs no matter what. Here are some images I captured while walking about San Francisco’s SOMA district during my lunch hour. Eco-Friendly City

elle decor inspired interior decor

Lately we’ve been considering purchasing a condo in a high rise in San Francisco. You know those buildings popping up everywhere in downtown, which my hubby loves and I consider a glass bubble – those ones. Well, in light of this bit of new development in our life, I decided to seek inspiration on decorating a home with no real walls.  I found some ideas to copy here and have included them on my blog to seek opinion.

danville california day trip

I do step away from San Francisco mostly in the fall months. I suppose I gravitate to smaller towns, just because I crave during this time of the year the good old-fashioned way of living, which really doesn’t exist in San Francisco.  You know, family friendly neighborhoods,  picket fences, colorful trees, a small half a mile long street considered a down town. No major chain stores and the best part an actual neighborhood bookstore, where you can walk in and quietly look over the shelves for that perfect novel to read. I chose going to Danville over this weekend, because of the Danville Fall Festival and I insisted that mother tag along. She fought me at first, being too tired and all, but I insisted and we went to spend a relaxing day being simply simple in the countryside. I couldn’t ask for a better day.  

three bars and a cafe – san francisco

I’ve decided to launch a weekly blog entry, introducing you to some of my favorite hang outs in the city by the bay, being of course San Francisco and sometimes even the greater bay area. Just in case you are visiting this part of the world or are new to the city and want to explore what you’ve gotten yourself in to :), For my first edition of three bars and a cafe, I want to suggest the following – click on each photo to access their website and learn more about each place, or just google map it and venture out like I do. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

having paris withdrawals

While Tuesday was the first actual cold day in San Francisco. Let me clarify, Fall cold, because technically our summers are cold too. Anyway, while yesterday we got a taste of bitter cold, I couldn’t help but check the weather for Paris – something I crazily do on a daily basis to compare. It showed the same temperatures as we had in San Francisco. low 50s to cool 70s (F), throughout the day and I have to say, I smiled.  Although the two cities are often compared in so many ways, all I ever see are all the difference, favoring Paris all the way. Trivial you might say for this blog entry. I suppose. But just the thought of Paris makes me smile, any time of the year and I needed to express that right about now.

holiday party dress on a shoestring

 I know you may think it’s too early to shop for party dresses for the impending holiday season, but in all reality it’s just around the corner.  Company events, cocktail parties, get together(s) and even weddings – in less than a month away. . So, it’s not that early. The benefit of shopping now is to, save yourself from the agony of looking for something in your size, reasonably prices and versatile.  I always go black and on occasion, I shift my choice to very subtle colors or a pop of red.  Nordstrom is promoting their holiday dresses at the moment by means of email blast and since I happen to be on their list, I got a first (or not) look at their inventory and here are my picks for the perfectly priced party dress.  

healthy recipe: pear pizza as comfort food

Definitely during the colder months I crave nothing but pizza, pasta and fresh-baked breads – also known as comfort foods – to sooth my soul. However, this year, having been on a work-out kick plus healthy eating, I am a little nervous about the holiday get togethers and menu planning. So, to ease my anxiety and help me get through the season, I decided to compile healthy alternatives for my comfort food cravings. Here’s a pear pizza recipe I found to try and to share. Let me know what you think. Ingredients pizza dough, rolled thin olive oil with some minced garlic 1 almost ripe pear, thinly sliced (about 1/8 inch) 1/3 cup (or more), grated pecorino 1 ball of fresh mozzarella, sliced part of a red onion, thinly sliced 1/4 cup good feta cheese 1/4 cup pine nuts handful of arugula sage leaves, fried salt optional: a few pinches of red pepper flakes optional: drizzle of honey Instructions Brush pizza dough with olive oil, garlic and a bit of salt. Evenly sprinkle with grated …

photography: something amazing

In light of the fact, most Americans are in some sort of turmoil, wondering where this country is headed, I try to find ways to stay positive and focus on all the good and wonderful things just so I could endure.  I mean what can we do?  Change is in order and yet most of our hands are tied, unless there is a massive uproar and then – in all reality nothing will matter. While I clicked through website after another, gathering inspiration and ideas for my next blog entry, I stumbled upon this amazing photograph of where the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean meet – Elucthera, Bahamas,  which not only inspired me,  but also managed to put a smile across my worried face. I knew I needed to share the photo, in hopes it would do the same to you. Hang in there Americans, and don’t give up hope. We can overcome anything, if we find a way to at least meet half way.