Year: 2020

Let’s Leave 2020 Behind

Normally I tell everyone who’s stuck in the past to let it go in order to move forward in the most positive way possible. I did believe that up until the middle of January, when all I aimed to do was look forward to 2020. A year of many positive changes was what the Chinese horoscope predicted, which often times do come with a price. In the year of the metal rat, I was destined to succeed in my career but was in line for a dozen failures – in relationship, health and my social life. I tucked these predictions in the back of my mind, and took a trip to England in January seeing nothing but good in 2020. Until one afternoon, someone dear to me called from the U.S. to warn me about a deadly virus making its way from the east and to be very careful when travelling back to the states at the end of January. I took note, bought a hospital grade mask, surgical gloves-when the items were hardly a …

Getaway For The Holidays

My all-time favorite holiday film, is The Holiday, where two women exchange homes during the holidays, in hopes of getting away from their otherwise mundane or meaningless lifestyle – only to discover love in all the right places. So today, just for fun, I am wondering, which getaway would you choose, if you had the change to exchange or actually simply find the perfect holiday escape…

Two Of My Favorite Things

Those of you who have stuck around, know that I love all things architecture, and most thing cooking or baking in this case. And although I am having a very subdued holiday, no matter the attempt of social media suggesting the hustle and bustle and stress of the holiday prep – THIS is one thing I am going to attempt to create, for the sake of baking, art, and a bit of genuine old-fashioned fun. Who’s with me? {featured images full credit and source of article used only to share in my joy of discovering}

Food For Thought

There are so many things I am prepared to leave behind in 2020, but one thing that will be difficult, is the absolute evidence of just how corrupt and unjust our political system really is. I mean I’ve known for decades and usually smirk my thoughts when speaking with a believer about how great our nation or how fair our system. So in 2021, you’ll be seeing me smiling often when someone decides to embark on a conversation about ‘fair and square’. That’s all…

Decor: Do Something Nice For Yourself Or Your Kitchen

I realized in recent weeks, while finding my way through a promotion, that I have neglected my home – in that working from home at all hours of the day and night to adapt to this new role had taken precedent over everything else that defines working on the home. As some of us may know, or those of us overly organized minded, and meticulous, that in order to maintain order in the home, we must effort each and every spare second to tidy up. Well, it disappoints me to say that hasn’t happened in my household since the beginning of October. One area in particular that needs attention, even though I keep clean and managed after preparing a meal, and serving the family, is the kitchen. Which I also feel needs an update – this part is slotted for the future: Repaint the current cabinets, replace the countertops, either retile the current floor or replace with hardwood (my favorite) and update the appliances. Until then…I found the perfect inspiration to follow the steps into …

Thank you…

On this Thanksgiving Day, this message goes out to everyone around the world, who have done their part this year to abide by all that is required to help minimize the affliction from COVD-19. I want to thank all those who have done their part to live peacefully among all people, no matter the differences in color, race, religion and political views. Most of all, I want to thank my family for enduring the need to stay miles apart this year… {featured image source is where I miss the most in 2020}


A co-worker of mine tucked away in a far far away place – somewhere in the northern hemisphere asked if I were celebrating Thanksgiving with family this year. Sure, I said, with my every day family. I’m cooking as usual, but not the traditional turkey, which for years, I’ve mentioned not a popular bird in our home. So chicken it will be, plus all the trimmings I don’t mind making enough for leftovers. Because you see the week after thanksgiving will be the busiest week at my day job. and oh before I forget – check out this handy guide to finding just about any recipe – Thanksgiving or not. What are you doing this thanksgiving? Will you be travelling to family, staying home, or not even considering the holiday for any number of reasons?