Year: 2024

Fuel to Write

I saw the latest Anne Hathaway film the other day, The Idea of You on Amazon. Not once, but a second time. Only because at first viewing, I was nodding off throughout the film. Not because it wasn’t captivating but because I was battling a flu of sorts. Second round, the gaps connected, and I, as usual, began to overanalyze the situation. A 20something young man falling for a 40+ woman. I felt weird by how the film ended. (Spoiler alert) where the couple spent 5 years apart intentionally to see if they can overcome or outlast the challenges. Which (the challenges) in my opinion were downplayed or simplified. Don’t get me wrong. I adored the chemistry, the casting, the chase, but yet I felt it was all so unnatural. Why is that? Is it because we are so accustomed to seeing an older man with a younger woman, that, we don’t even think twice when portrayed in films? So when the story is reversed, (some of us), feel a bit uneasy with the situation, …

Pause On Long Time Passions

The Pandemic year, while cooped up at home, I outlined all sorts of projects for myself. Tapping mostly on my creative side, not applying techniques to my daily work, but actually drew up a plan: To do more writing and less working. Resurge my Etsy store during the holiday season to offer up those unique gifts and things, as well as improve my photography skills. Sounds like Fiscal year goals (for those of you with careers 🙂 ) Four years later, I have done nothing but work longer hours, thanks to working from home mainly, no Etsy products on display on my online store, now going on 3 holiday seasons passed. But the photography has been ample. Sharing on Instagram plenty, but not the kind where it drops a copy here in my website link for your viewing pleasure, but the ones that are saved under ‘ Insta-story’ where they fall off in 24 hours. Thought I’d share that with you today and the photos of course…

Boutique Hotel Pick – Hotel Chateau St Martin – French Riviera

There is simply one image that I was drawn to while searching for a boutique hotel to add to my collection of bucket list hotels. You know for that special occasion or to simply pamper myself. The very image below in one from my childhood summer vacation days, perched around a table with extended families, for hours over dinners somewhere in the Mediterranean in a setting exactly as this: Take the tour

The Need To Be Creative

I spend most of my days working long hours, 12-18 to provide a reference point. But while I robotically tap against the keyboard, or conduct a meeting to discuss like issues or plans to improve, my mind strangely wanders off…to the novels I’ve drafted (now going on five years) where I keep vowing each year to publish. Maybe this year, where my priorities have shifted a bit, from caregiver to someone learning to get past the grief. At least that is the plan. Do you find yourself setting goals you are not able to achieve? And if so, are most of the hurdles within your control or ones outside?