All posts filed under: Adventure travel

Craving Travel

Before the pandemic I travelled several times a year to all sorts of destinations. Two years in lock down, and just when it felt safe enough to do the bit of travelling outside of camping and quick getaways, my mother fell ill. Resetting and reprioritizing all of my plans to venture across the pond like the good old days and just immerse myself in all things novel writing worthy. A hundred times I stood in this very spot and snapped a photograph, each time as if it were my first time seeing St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Dozens of times I strolled down the narrowest of cobble-stoned streets of Paris. Always in aw over the smallest of villages perched along the hillside along the Amalfi coast. Timeless train travel through Switzerland Right there… …and here Dean Village in Edinburgh Reminders of Days gone by through Ireland I long for it all

Friday Interesting Travel Topics Online

My head is always in the clouds, or somewhere else from where I am currently, lounging perhaps poolside in a French Riviera resort or walking the cobblestoned streets through an English coastal town. So the search for travel topics let me down this road: The private village of Clovelly in England, which charges a fee to visit. Egypt’s city of El Gouna doing their best to be mindful of the environment is worth a read for like minded folks such as myself The wonderment of the Aztec civilization history is one I will always share here. While enroute somewhere do you watch for signs that announce the places you have left and the place you have arrived? I remember once in Europe, I crossed a bridge on foot connecting one small town in France to another in Switzerland. Can’t remember where it was, but felt insanely invigorating doing something like that. In light of the curiosity, I am sharing this article about towns crossing borders, or borders crossing through towns. Lastly, click away here for …

Virtual Travel To Ireland

Do you select a film to watch based on location? Let me clarify. I understand selecting a movie to watch is normally based upon genre, actors as well as the story line. But do you ever search for films based on location? I do and last night it was all about Ireland. You see, I haven’t been to Ireland and it is one destination that I put on my list of destinations to visit in 2020. And we know what happened to the world as we once knew it. So until I feel safe enough to travel, films on location will simply have to do. Finding You – based on a novel by Jenny B Jones is certainly worth seeing for a virtual tour of some of the most beautiful countryside in Ireland. I found myself swooning over the breathtaking scenery and the small towns along the way. The storyline was also interesting as it touched upon connections between generations and the ways of thinking and living. Shattered dreams, broken hearts, funny moments and some …

Travel: Destinations in Film

I’ve seen different folks going in and out of the neighbor’s house across the street for the past month or so. And right away I realized they are Airbnb-ing (hosting) their property. It’s not that I am stalking, but while parking my car, or doing landscape maintenance, I see different folks in and out, taxis and Ubers pulling up. A call is made in the driveway and definitely a code is shared and next thing you know, the garage door opens and these different individuals, men mostly, go inside. Days later a maid service comes in to clean up and then the family of 6 return home. Which gets me thinking, where do they go for those days while a stranger is in their home? I mean the children are of school age, all under ten going to a physical school instead of online? How does this family juggle such a lifestyle? So I decided to do a search on Airbnb and discovered there are countless homes around my block alone that host vacationers or …

Friday Interesting Finds

Sharing contents on a blog has become quite challenging these days in terms of seeing an interesting topic somewhere else and wanting to share in the joy here without copyright infringement nightmares. So I’ve been debating on shifting gears here at RS&S to bring to you the rawest of materials…but then I think. Don’t we have enough of that already? I mean the world is a different place since the pandemic and even the slightest difference in opinion is no longer tolerated the way it was once. So I keep treading gently here and there and so the topics of discussion are now far and too few. I do have to tell you though. I had a boss once, who being a decade+ older than me often chuckled at my way of thinking or being…he said I reminded him of how he was at one point in his life. He also told me I’d grow out of it. From social media contents he posts, I realize he has never grown out of his ways or …

What Are We Doing…

It’s Monday. Well, Monday night in some places. But you get the point. The beginning to a new week. Although most things are spilling over from last week as usual. Nevertheless, I have to say I had a pretty interesting weekend. On Friday, our company was gracious enough to give a mental health day-off. Which mean we had the option to unplug without using up a paid vacation day. So – free day is basically where I am going to with. I totally appreciated it and decided in order to get the full benefit of a mental health day. I would venture out from the city (San Francisco) out by 40 minutes to Muir Woods and immerse myself in all things nature. It worked, for the most part. Especially since we trekked away from the planked pathways and we went deeper into the woods, where my imagination took hold of everything. To the point I felt a bit panicked, being so far away from civilization with no cell service. I think the smoke filled air …