All posts tagged: emotional therapy

Happy Thoughts Will Get You Through

Is emotional abuse still a thing in a workplace? I ask while watching everyone around me jump ship-if you will from their current state of employment. Each day as I log off from my remote day-job, I reflect upon how it all went down. Mostly the latest resignations, and terminations in the name of business decisions to take the company to the next level. I get it. I understand business, but still in my gut I feel sickened by the way the world is shaping up in the name of greed. In order to cope, and carry-on or remain balanced. I take five or ten minutes throughout the day to walk through my garden, or dance to a classic tune, or simply meditate. Even daydream about being in a far away place, simply soaking up the sun and the laidback lifestyle. For example… In Positano, lounged on a recline in a terrace here works just as well A stroll through the narrow streets of Paris Switzerland in the Springtime Would you…live in near isolation…if you …

In The Garden

Although I am one who manages stress pretty well, I might say, there are moments where I need to stop all things and simply sit in my garden and reflect. That’s what I did last night, while experiencing an unusual heatwave for June in San Francisco. At seven-thirty in the evening I pulled a recline from the garage and went down to my garden and sat among the colorful plants and I watched the birds, the bees and the butterflies feast among the lavender for hours. And then I heard a fluttering near my ear, and I turned my head slowly and shifted my eyes to see the most beautiful of hummingbird simply inches away from me, and I said hello… For my life, if only for a few hours, felt peaceful and complete.

Garden Therapy

I went to the local garden shop over the weekend, in hopes of purchasing a few more plants so that I may add them to my garden. Which has become my haven-no doubt-for anyone who understands the impact of a personalized outdoor space. I mean, I do visit gardens in parks, and walk past home front gardens or partial views of some through neighborhoods I can only dream of living. But there is nothing better than the art of creating a garden that you hope the birds, and butterflies and bees would visit often. The idea of it all makes me smile…in the most peaceful manner imaginable.

Smile Worthy Oceanic Masterpiece

I have to admit, I’ll always choose animals/mammals over humans any day. Sounds a bit harsh? Perhaps. But I feel as if I have a deep, and soothing connection with all things nature, and for that very reason, I want to share this spectacular creation. Which I replay on my laptop, the moment I feel overwhelmed or stressed with work. Enjoy Featured image source and full credit here

Thanksgiving 2021

Considering where we were last year around this time, in terms of gatherings and celebrations, I think this year, we truly need to redefine the meaning of Thanksgiving. This was the thought going through my head while grocery shopping yesterday for the very holiday. I found myself, sort of in a transient vibe, while searching for and gathering the ingredients for the trimmings. As you know from years before, we do not eat Turkey in our household. I decided to stuff acorns this year, and bypass the sweet potatoes for some colorful carrots roasted in the oven. Corn is a must for the fam, mashed potatoes, I am on the fence about. And the bird-rotisserie chicken, a small side dish of sliced ham garnished with pineapple and cloves, Brussel sprouts, and homemade cranberry sauce. Simple and very traditional. But right before we dive in, I want everyone to stop all things electronic, and simply express the most heartfelt appreciation for what we have all gone through, together and yet worlds apart. That’s how I see …

Lazy Sunday Vibe

I love the idea of lazy Sundays. Although life hardly allows for such a wonderful concept with all the errands and other responsibilities taking up too much time in our lives. But still, there is no harm in imaging being lounged on a recline, on a terrace overlooking a body of water somewhere along the coastal villages in Greece or Italy or on a hammock in a tropical destination, just to name a few. Because just maybe…the universe is paying attention…