All posts tagged: photography

Pause On Long Time Passions

The Pandemic year, while cooped up at home, I outlined all sorts of projects for myself. Tapping mostly on my creative side, not applying techniques to my daily work, but actually drew up a plan: To do more writing and less working. Resurge my Etsy store during the holiday season to offer up those unique gifts and things, as well as improve my photography skills. Sounds like Fiscal year goals (for those of you with careers 🙂 ) Four years later, I have done nothing but work longer hours, thanks to working from home mainly, no Etsy products on display on my online store, now going on 3 holiday seasons passed. But the photography has been ample. Sharing on Instagram plenty, but not the kind where it drops a copy here in my website link for your viewing pleasure, but the ones that are saved under ‘ Insta-story’ where they fall off in 24 hours. Thought I’d share that with you today and the photos of course…

Childhood Reflection

I have always paid attention to detail, even at the age of five or six, when my parents opted to take me along on a family visit. Which was customary in the Mediterranean upbringing – you visit with relatives for tea and trays of winter dessert, or for refreshments and servings of fresh summer fruits. The adults spoke, and the children listened. It was wonderful! But while I did much listening, I also paid loads of attention to the home decor of those family members who were cultured if you will, or wealthy enough to set up their home in French inspired decor trends. So when I stumbled upon this breathtaking mansion, I had to share what I was referring to: As this particular set up is a true reminder of days from my childhood, where I sat on an oversized sofa, watching the adults discuss whatever topic of interest. There, I simply nibbled on cake or ice cream and admired all the intricate details of my surroundings. Source full credit, referenced above for your …