All posts filed under: Renovation

Garden Envy

Recently I had my backyard cleaned down to a blank canvas. But since we live on a hill, near the coast, with nothing but sand all around, I am having trouble crafting the dream garden – a cross between all of the garden ideas I have pinned below: I probably should have planned better

Decor: Office Space or Cool Design Ideas

Still on my quest to revamp my wonderful tiny living space.  I just need to figure out what month I should embark on such a task, considering all of April  is booked. Most of May – gone. June – not looking good either. And July – September the weather is s*** – foggy – in my neighborhood to the point it is too cold to open windows to allow the paint and such to dry while renovating. So, it looks like September it is, our Indian Summer here in San Francisco. Which as you know is just around the corner. Naturally, the though of renovating also means, creating a Pinterest board, as well as (in my case) a desktop folder with all photos of what I envision our place to look like. Lately, I am loving black-framed windows and doors, turquoise and marble and natural hardwood flooring. Kind of like: I think I am just about narrowing it down – until of course something else catches my eye in the next five months. 🙂