Month: April 2022

Unintentional Break

Last week was a continuation of previous weeks x two. Which has me wondering – why does everything require a zoom meeting? The idea of needing a scheduled call to ‘be on the same page’ has me booked up through the end of April. Not complaining just sharing too much information. But in all honesty I have missed staying connected here and do want to know how everyone is truly doing out there as we watch our world shift and change. And humanity be swayed in every direction imaginable to feel and think a certain way. I do my best to focus on the positive and live my life as simply as possible. Some of the things that keep me motivated are the stuff I am thankful and very grateful for. Have a nice day…

Spring Break

This week means different things to different people. For the Christian religion(s) it is holy week – the week between Palm Sunday and Easter where various worship oriented events take place. And for others it is simply a time to go on a holiday break from school and work. Whatever your interpretation of Spring – Holy Week, take a few moments to be grateful and appreciate all that life has to offer.

Notes From The Week

The end of March was bit bittersweet because there were many ends to certain things and a few heartwarming moments. None of which I want to bore you with. Except maybe one happy event – my garden is starting to bloom and I am so very happy and proud of myself for learning the ins and outs of gardening on a slopped, sandy space. So here’s what I want to share for this week. All renovation projects for my household are paused at the moment, due to the ballooned cost of just about anything. But that doesn’t mean I can’t stop admiring and sharing an interesting decor find. I’d love to recluse here for the summer, is something you’ll always hear me say every time I come across a dreamy retreat. Interesting take on why a cold oven is best for pound cakes? is offered up here. More and more I am starting to read and research about travel. I had paused the habit back in 2020, and seldom brought it up in 2021. But …