Month: April 2013

month in a nutshell

The month of April, almost over, was the busiest month for me, even though I thought last year this month was, when one of my favorite people got married. Although I spend the month, rekindling family get togethers, bridal showers, business lunches and company after work happy hours, not to mention moving friends across the state,  I had enough time to think about what I foresee in the near future – meaning the next 6 months remaining for 2013, for myself. I had set goals, like everyone else at the beginning of the year and one by one, the daily challenges, altered my course or direction.  However, I haven’t forgotten what I needed to do still and so, I wrap up this month with a laundry list of things yet to achieve. 1. Launch book to kindle and other electronic reading tools 2. Work with a personal trainer to sculpt my body 3. Manage a garage sale in an effort to downsize 4. Donate entire wardrobe and revamp my style 5. Travel with those near …

boutique hotel pick – le boutique hotel – bordeaux, france

Okay, vacation planning is in full swing for me, so while I search for new accommodations to try out, I stumbled upon this wonderful place in one of my favorite places in the world. Bordeaux, France. So, if you happen to be a wine connoisseur like myself, you’d appreciate the location of Le Boutique Hotel in Bordeaux or if you happen to be just looking for a romantic getaway that works too. Have a great weekend!

why blog when you have a thousand things on your mind?

Just last night, while overwhelmed with all that I needed to do in the next month or so, I decided in order to stay sane, to make a list and cross out all the things that may be considered trivial. Blogging was on that list. So I put the list on the nightstand and fell asleep. When I woke up this morning and had the typical opportunity to ponder over everything, while commuting to work, I realized there was no way on earth I could give up blogging. No matter how challenging and how low on the priority list.  The reason for this insight is  the fact, most of the items  on my list were doing something for others and there were only two items which were for me, that I was willing to give up, just to  fit everything else into my hectic life . Blogging and pushing to publish  the novel I continuously revise. I decided not to give up on either of them because it wouldn’t be fair for me, not take care of …

adult quotes to live by

If I had known quotes would be so popular in the 21st century and nearly a guideline for everything we do, I would have kept my notebook filled with quotes I came up with, while growing up. Because of this craze, I have included some of my favorites, which often times are a basis of girl’s night out conversations, in a Sex In The City kind of way. 🙂 {Source: click here}

things that need a double take

Have you ever passed by something which caught your interest and then took another look, but this time in utter admiration or appreciation or longing? Where here’s what will do for it for  

working through stress and being upset

Ooccasionally, while thumbing through beautiful things that make me feel amazing and blogging about it, I find that, I need to touch up on every day realities, which are often times swept under the rug. Two of the most concerning issues for all women are stress and being upset. Mind you there are other issues, but if think about it, they all stem from being stressed and therefore becoming upset. Recently, I’ve had several medical scares, which have literally  shocked the living daylights out of me. I mean, I feel I am in control and can manage most anything life throws at me. But apparently, although my mind can, my body can’t. Hence, stress and often times being upset over the fact. To help myself work through the stress, I’ve decided to make a few changes, or actually to reinstate what I used to do to alleviate the stress and control myself from being upset if things get out of control.  Here is my list: 1. Buy the finest bedding possible and revamp your bedroom to make it …

boutique hotel pick – casa angelia – amalfi coast, italy

Now that vacation planning is in full swing and perhaps even late in getting some great deals, I decided it’s time to talk boutique hotel picks. Every year, I imagine a romantic getaway and although I stick to Paris as my safe haven, I can’t help but think of exotic coastal retreats to spend a romantic week. One place, which I’ve frequented quite often in my lifetime is the Amalfi Coast and with it, I have fallen in love with many properties to spend six nights/seven days. For that thought and of course a romantic destination recommend, I suggest Casa Angelia.