All posts filed under: Holiday Thoughts

Spring Break

This week means different things to different people. For the Christian religion(s) it is holy week – the week between Palm Sunday and Easter where various worship oriented events take place. And for others it is simply a time to go on a holiday break from school and work. Whatever your interpretation of Spring – Holy Week, take a few moments to be grateful and appreciate all that life has to offer.

Where Are You Christmas…

This morning, very early I might add, while getting in the mind set for a work call, the song Where Are You Christmas came on over Pandora and I choked up. …for this year it feels as an extension of last year. Although not to the severity of the global lockdown…but like an aftermath. Where we are all still contemplating how to truly feel about this year’s holiday season.

Two Of My Favorite Things

Those of you who have stuck around, know that I love all things architecture, and most thing cooking or baking in this case. And although I am having a very subdued holiday, no matter the attempt of social media suggesting the hustle and bustle and stress of the holiday prep – THIS is one thing I am going to attempt to create, for the sake of baking, art, and a bit of genuine old-fashioned fun. Who’s with me? {featured images full credit and source of article used only to share in my joy of discovering}

A Weekend Recap and Onward to Thanksgiving

What you plan and what really happens is always the case, it seems lately for the weekends and I’m starting to consider not making a list of what I’d like to do but rather simply wait and see how the days pan out. 🙂 This past weekend I had a tough time with anxiety, where I was hyperventilating over just about everything imaginable from Venice floods, to global warming and beyond. Even the Hallmark Christmas films I watched back to back in the evenings, didn’t seem to help. I suppose we are now a society riddled with stress, depression and anxiety which by the way we have all had a part in manifesting, and since seem to have trouble coping with it all. How did the generations before us handle it all? Was it because the less they knew the better they lived? Do we know too much or have access to much ‘fake news,’ that we have lost sight of reality and/or are not able to see the truth any longer because of it? …

Inspired By the English Countryside

This morning while commuting to work, bits of the film The Holiday came to mind. Particularly the English cottage where one side of the story took place. Followed by the eclectic decor of course, and then how wonderful the connection between Cameron Diaz and Jude Law’s characters were, sparkly eyes, and bright smiles, make the perfect holiday film, don’t you think? Add Cameron’s/her character’s fashion sense, and basically it is a well rounded and my favorite modern holiday film  I happen to watch every year. So you can imagine me wanting to share these beauties, and my desire to simply hibernate for the entire month of December or maybe trade places with someone itching to hang out in San Francisco. Any takers? So, here are my questions?  Have you seen the film The Holiday?  Which side of the story do you relate to?  If you had the chance to trade places, what part of the world would you consider?  Is the fact,  we are near completing the first week of November freaking you out?  I’m …

My Outlook For The New Year…

As we all know, today is the day, we reflect upon the ‘soon to be’ passing year, and determine how we wish to set the tone for the new year. As I type this, in some parts of the world, New Years is nearly 4 minutes away, while in my part, the day is just beginning. I find this transition the most fascinating part of our existence, that on the 31st of December  to the start of the New Year is experienced in many time zones across the globe. I don’t know about you, but on this day, I have the worst anxiety – dont’ you?  I guess since we are programmed to feel something for every major event in our lifetime,  on the 31st of December, it is anxiety – about leaving the year we’ve grown accustomed to – bad or good, and moving on, ready into the unknown in the coming year. When I was younger, I believed that the new year was responsible for bringing me the happiness I so deserved, and …

Holiday Series: Reindeer Experience and One Amazing Gift

When I saw the featured photograph on T&C front page a few days ago, I smiled, thinking how fortunate Camilla Parker Bowles was to have the chance to see up close – a couple of reindeer. And just as those thoughts crossed my mind again last night, while attending a tree-lighting ceremony, I overheard someone speak of reindeer near by. So I followed them, around the holiday set up of ice rink, and hot chocolate and cider kiosks – to the back – on a patch of grass, where to my surprise I saw a couple of real-life reindeer. Thor and Elsa – who were peacefully nibbling at their dinner…and just for a few moments, I felt a wonderful peacefulness, and the happiest of feelings… Here’s what I am proposing this holiday season: If you happen to have a sturdy winter’s coat in your closet which you plan on donating at some point, or maybe storing in a box up in the attic or down in the basement for no particular reason, then consider going …

Travel: For The Romance of Winter or Simple Hibernation

There is definitely a romantic feel to winter travel, even if in some places snow and freezing temps are involved. The idea of cozying up with your loved one, or not, but instead tucked under a blanket in front of the fireplace, travel in winter is wonderful, especially to destinations with the ideal accommodations from this list: Hint: Also great gift ideas for her or him.  

holiday Series: Best Hostess Gift Ideas or Otherwise

I realized that the list of cool gifts below, in addition to being ideas for a hostess gift,  can also be exchanged for office parties, secret Santa with friends for an annual gathering at a restaurant to celebrate the holidays, and really for just about anyone on your Christmas list: