Month: August 2016

Fashion: Fall 2016 Trends Which Got Me Thinking

I took this photo from my bedroom window last night. It’s nothing fancy, just capturing the simple signs of Fall just around the corner. Although in San Francisco, this is a reminder that we are heading into our Indian Summer, with crispy mornings, and hot days and even nights for the next few weeks or months depending on what mother nature has in store for us this year. I love this time of the year for so many reasons. From the kids slowly returning to school, to the abundance of clearance sales in most any store of all things summer, to the start of the holiday season decor slowly popping up here and there. Not to forget mentioning, talks about the holidays among family members and friends, and restaurants changing up their menus to include an array of hearty meals and fall-winter desserts and baked goods – oh how I love the smell of pumpkin-spiced anything.  This is the time of year, I settle into a writing-routine, cozied up at home with my dog by …

Lifestyle: What’s Been Keeping Me…Busy

I feel like I’ve been away forever, but some things had to fall through the crack, namely my blog, and workout, while I worked through my fullest of plates of late. First and foremost, the living space revamp that’s tortured me to no end,  forcing me to rethink the plan, hence delaying the timeframe – so HGTV like. Here’s how it all went down. I planned to install hardwood floors. I dreamt about it for years, talked about it endlessly, shopped various flooring stores, picked out the best option, signed up for the measure only to find out, the space required too much sub-flooring prep work to consider the hardwood. Back to square one, we went shopping for wall-to-wall carpeting, something I’ve always hated, but apparently have no choice in the particular part of the city I live in, with the damp and mold issues.  I shopped until the cow’s came home online and in the stores, and I have to tell you I have learned enough  carpets and flooring that I could actually become …

Lifestyle: Photography Colors To Set The Mood

I took the train from Sacramento to San Francisco on Sunday, after I went up to the area for a small break from the freezing cold temps in my neck of the neighborhood – by the ocean, where its been foggy and ugly, and pretty down depressing with all-time grays. I tend to forget how the weather plays on my mood, and during the summer months in the city,  I find myself not at all inspired. So, I escape once in while in search of sun, green, and colorful flowers. In this case  up to the Sacramento-Roseville area, well technically further into the country, for some sun and to hang out with my favorite dogs – dogsitting. Normally I drive up, but this time I shared a ride with someone going up there, and then took the train back.  Along the way,  I snapped a few photographs. which I enhanced to more dramatic hues and sharpness, again craving colors. I figured these photos would keep me going through the foggy nonsense in San Francisco until early …

Food: Lavender, Blackberries, and White Chocolate In Scones

The first time I tasted lavender was near Aix Provence, France. There was a shortbread cookies infused with slivers of lavender. At first I didn’t really like it, but after a few days of eating a cookie or two a day with a great cup of coffee, I grew accustomed to the taste. The next experience with Lavender was – at Zero Zero Restaurant in San Francisco, where they have this amazing dessert bar that you can pick and make your own ice cream sundae and more. I chose the lavender ice cream special they were having that day. And since then, I indulge in what I considered to be something that is an acquired taste. Not everyone is fond of lavender in cooking. Anyway,  here we are now and I have to say, I am yet again intrigued by this recipe, and will surely make it for the Sunday morning breakfast with the hubs – yes – in the middle of my renovation, I do plan to bake 🙂 – minus the white chocolate …

Fashion: My Fashion Sense

Living in San Francisco and working for a techy company, you can pretty much go to work wearing jeans and a T-shirt everyday and no one cares. Which is a refreshing option from the suit and stocking days when I worked for a financial institution. I’ve been asked why I don’t model my fashion here on RawSilk&Saffron, and I have to say it’s mostly because I am completely camera-shy – so I figured I should show you what my fashion sense is in other ways: {photo source here and here}

Food: Guacamole in Abundance

I’ve been craving the strangest of foods lately. For example bbq ribs and salad. Mascarpone over fresh peaches, guacamole with slivers of fresh jalapeño, lots of watermelon and salty cheese, and finally tuna soaked in fresh squeezed lemon juice. Not all mixed together mind you. But that’s been my cravings, and no I am not pregnant. So, naturally my eyes lit up when I stumbled upon this amazing recipe I consider a meal more than a snack or appetizer: