All posts filed under: Crate & Barrel

Decor: Home Office Space

This topic is for anyone loving the idea of having a space in their homes they can consider their own – in particular – a dedicated home office, or a small closet or a niche somewhere in the house, where the space can be organized as a home office. Kind of like these ideas I found here:

odds and ends of home decor and also design

Every three to four years, I’m craving a change in my home decor and begin to gather together (long before Pinterest) ideas on what I want to see happen in my home. I’ve helped a few friends this way and all the projects we’ve worked on turned out perfectly well, taking into consideration a mixture of decorating also design ideas. Here are some of my recent loves.

searching for holiday spirit

This is the time of the year I frequent one mall after another to see how the stores have decorated. Don’t judge 🙂 but I do love searching for holiday spirit in public gathering places. Over the weekend, I drove to Palo Alto and walked through the outdoor Stanford Shopping Mall, just before the weather turns sour in the next few weeks. Of course, I snapped photographs along the way:

weekly inspirations – weekend preparations

What’s inspired me over the week, set the tone for the weekend? Click on the photo to reach the information behind my inspiration: 

elle decor inspired interior decor

Lately we’ve been considering purchasing a condo in a high rise in San Francisco. You know those buildings popping up everywhere in downtown, which my hubby loves and I consider a glass bubble – those ones. Well, in light of this bit of new development in our life, I decided to seek inspiration on decorating a home with no real walls.  I found some ideas to copy here and have included them on my blog to seek opinion.

interior decor: areal rugs in full bloom

Ever since I’ve been on the kick to redecorate my studio apartment, I have fallen in love with everything available to make my dwelling my very own work of art.  I had forgotten how wonderful it is to decorate, revamp, recharge, redo and since I finally got my very own kitchen, I am slowly piecing the place together to make it a permanent home for a while. Areal rugs are  a must in my opinion, it not only ties in your room’s decor, but also feels good against, well in this case, my feet. Here are some of my favorites to ponder over while I decide on re-arranging the space.