Month: June 2010

dean and deluca – my very own disneyland

Walking through a Dean and Deluca Store is like being in Disneyland for me. I have dreams about it the night before my trip to Napa, then when I am there,  I make time to visit the store no matter what, walking through every aisle as if I had never been there before, annoying my other half each time. Finally after having either a pastry or a gelato, I leave the place feeling sad just like any kid would do. On Saturday I made a stop at Dean and Deluca as usual and experimented with my camera in oder to show you what I am talking about.  Enjoy the photos and remember while you are in Napa be sure to stop by the store. View all

macbook pro and the possibilities

I have always been a fan of Apple. It mostly started with the design of their products (I am a sucker for quality design), then their advertising and marketing strategies swept me off my feet and of course I appreciated the streamlined retail outlets. So slowly but surely I just couldn’t resist anymore and I gave into the Macbook pro. It was a struggle convincing my family and friends about my choice of a new laptop, but I knew what I wanted and for my new career endeavor, it had to be the mac. My wonderful family chipped in and bought it for me as a birthday present and I almost fell off my chair when I opened the box and took out the MacBook. There was that sexy designed laptop in my hands and I just couldn’t believe it was all mine.  The only decision I need to make is whether to purchase Apple’s version of word or Microsoft word for Apple? Since it hasn’t been installed, I have a few days to decide …

birthday celebration in Napa

I love going to Napa and will find any reason to take a trip up North for the day. When asked what my plans were for my birthday this year since I wasn’t able to go to Paris, I immediately knew it had to be a day in Napa. Anyway, I spend the entire day Saturday visiting my usual wineries and having a picnic at V.Satui, followed by gelato at Dean and DeLuca marketplace, then a stroll through the quant town of  Yountville. But then although my heart was set on having dinner at Napa Styles Bottega restaurant  in Yountville,  we ended up at Il Fernaio in Burlingame instead. The evening was most  enjoyable for me thanks to my  family and lots of  amazing champagne.  My special birthday was celebrated in the most memorable way with the most important people in my life. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

cannon powershot and my new adventure

I vowed at the beginning of this year that I was going to buy a new camera for myself no matter what. But since January, what has been the most frustrating for me is the fact, I went store to store and website to website searching for the perfect camera and then found excuses to talk myself out of doing so.  Just so you understand, for a while now my 6-year-old camera was beginning to show its age with  the poor quality photos and  deteriorating battery life and today  just when I was taking my very last photo of the house I sold, the screen image turned orange and I heard several clicks and then there it was.   May the Cannon I had for 6 years rest in peace. After I turned over the keys to the real estate agent, I walked into Best Buys and purchased a camera my friend had suggested a while back, the Cannon Powershot and came home with the peach colored box and set it on my desk to tend to my usual day-to-day life.  I do this when I am nervous …

step out of that sweatsuit

I frequent malls and quant neighborhood streets with small shops and restaurants and I must say I can’t help myself get annoyed with women in their 40s wearing outdated or their daughters sweatsuits in public.  I don’t think women in their 40s should wear sweat suits in public but if they really really have to, then it’s best to consider the following: 1. Black pants, no purple, brite green or yellow please. 2. Full lenght preferred over capri style, unless of course you are having brunch with a friend immeidately after a brisk walk or run or a walk with your dog, otherwise avoid wearing any part of a sweat suit for any outings.   3. A zip up jacket rather than a fruit of the loom pullover with your college name or a midwestern town name printed across the front. 4. And finally a pair of tennis shoes, rather than a 3 inch pair of open toe shoes is much appreciated. Below are photos of what not to do and what to consider

penne with eggplant and parsley

I know I said I wasn’t going to write down my own recipes in this blog, but I guess it doesn’t hurt to write recipes which I have used from various magazines throughout my life. Here is one of my favorites since I am a huge fan of eggplants, cheese of course and parsley. I can’t remember which recipe magazine I got it from but when I remember I will reference it accordingly. In the meantime you need the following items/ingredients: 1. One whole eggplant (medium size).  I use a large size because I love eggplants 2. Sausage: I use Jimmy Dean Spicy but you can use any sausage you want.  If you go with Jimmy Dean, you should only use half the packet unless you love a meaty pasta. **Note: sausage has to be ground, remove skin before cooking 3. One bunch parsley, again you can use whichever type parsley you like but I prefer the one in the photo. 4. One can stewed tomatoes, any brand, even homemade if you are into that sort of thing. I …

french women don’t get fat

Now here is a book I read about 5 years ago and loved every bit of it and for a while applied some of the recipes in the book in hopes of losing the weight I needed to. It started to work, but then as any lazy woman would say, life got the best of me and I didn’t follow through. Well, recently as a result of my packing and moving, I began to separate all the books I wanted to give away and those I wanted to keep and of course this one is a keeper. I smiled as I flipped through the pages, because I had put a sticky note on almost every page that contained a recipe with my notes and plan of attack written in pencil. Now that I dusted off the book and  have it on my work desk, I plan to follow the recipes in hopes of maybe losing a few pounds and inches a la francais. After all the American diet plans didn’t work and besides what do …

the art of walking

Here is the thing, we all know we need some form of exercise in our life to stay healthy, especially when we are on the wrong side of 40. But since the “gym thing” or running a daily marathon is not my choice of exercise, I walk. I have always been a firm believer of walking and feel it is the best way of getting enough exercise without really hurting myself in the process. However, I also know that in order to get the most out of my walk, I must follow a few simple rules I created for myself. Walking everyday is ideal for me. I prefer a path with challenges along the way. Such as 50 or so steps to climb up, 500 yards total of some uphill and then downhill, a dirt road or sand paths to minimize unwarranted stress to my problematic knees and heels and finally a winding road or coarse to make the exercise more fun. The other thing I find helpful while walking, is changing the neighborhood everyday. I find that if I walk the neighborhood I …

exiting suburbia

After having spent eight years in a newly developed suburb 15 minutes outside a make-believe downtown Sacramento, California, and then experiencing the halt in development as a result of the housing crisis, I  have come to the realization that no matter how hard I tried, I cannot live outside a metropolitan city on a long-term basis. For a while there I was confusing escaping to the suburbs for a couple of days to clear my head with wanting to actually live there permanently.  With that said, I will finally be handing over the keys to my property in suburbia this week and returning to my beloved city by the bay to once again become the city girl who I have always been.  It was an  eight year challenge and struggle to finally make this transition happen and believe me it couldn’t have come at a better time.  I must say I am anxious and a bit nervous, but I am looking forward to this new chapter in my life to happen. Sometimes you have to experience what isn’t right for you in order to truly appreciate …

getting my youth on

Normally I don’t do much on weekends except read, write and watch old movies on television but today a friend of mine needed help with a wardrobe. She was going to a club for under 30 and didn’t know what to wear in order to fit in.  I laughed when she told me this, because she has passed the age to go clubing and knew no matter what outfit we put together, it wasn’t going to camouflage the fact.  As she shopped from store to store, looking through racks of tops and bottoms, with tears, no tears, t-shirts and tank tops, see through, double sleeved, single stitch, multi color and more, I decided to wander off and circle the racks myself  just to reminisce of the days gone by. Even though there is no rhyme or reason to today’s fashion, I saw the 80s and 90s flash right before my eyes as I pushed the hangers one by one to get a visual, then some 50s and 60s thrown in their as well making it even more challenging for …