All posts filed under: Photo Journal My life

Happy Thoughts Will Get You Through

Is emotional abuse still a thing in a workplace? I ask while watching everyone around me jump ship-if you will from their current state of employment. Each day as I log off from my remote day-job, I reflect upon how it all went down. Mostly the latest resignations, and terminations in the name of business decisions to take the company to the next level. I get it. I understand business, but still in my gut I feel sickened by the way the world is shaping up in the name of greed. In order to cope, and carry-on or remain balanced. I take five or ten minutes throughout the day to walk through my garden, or dance to a classic tune, or simply meditate. Even daydream about being in a far away place, simply soaking up the sun and the laidback lifestyle. For example… In Positano, lounged on a recline in a terrace here works just as well A stroll through the narrow streets of Paris Switzerland in the Springtime Would you…live in near isolation…if you …

Weekend Recap and Some Thoughts

With nowhere to go – considering the relentless fires all around the bay area, I felt extremely sad when I woke up Saturday and scrolled through the local news, about the parks, the redwoods, the animals, the air, and all things in distress due to the fires we have yet to contain in northern California. Twenty-twenty has topped one of the worst for the twenty-first century and we are doing everything to stay positive, focused, upbeat, and push onward. After breakfast, we headed out to Burlingame, to the post office to ship some care packages to a loved one in the military.  The quaint village, I’d like to call it, was covered in smoke, and the air quality the most unhealthiest, making it near impossible to walk through Burlingame Avenue without gasping for air, or feeling the need to rub our eyes.  I figured since we were unable to venture out anywhere along the coast, or even through trails inland, we would instead head to the Central Park and hang out at the Japanese Garden …

Friday Reads You Might Appreciate

As our world turns, in many ways this year, I cannot help but feel helpless, overwhelmed and sad by either direction all matters are heading. And since I struggle with a form of anxiety, I try to focus mostly on the positive in order to get me through. However, that does not mean all these thought are not racing through my head…and perhaps even yours? Topics which have me thinking and pondering this morning are: How emotionally sensitive are you? Is it a good or bad thing – take this quiz to find out. Does Scandinavian self care really work? Why we need older women in the workplace you might want to know is a topic that came to mind after a friend called to discuss her struggle with age-in-a-workplace. The truth about losing a parent – has been on my mind as I watch my mother’s health on the decline faster these days and the idea of it all has me scared I don’t believe in regret, I only believe life happens to you …

Travel: Best Places to Go In October If You Have Photography In Mind

Took a 24 hour trip to Montana Friday to Saturday for business and although I was to arrive on Friday by noon – thinking I can have dinner with family, I ended up experiencing all the construction taking shape in various airports on the western side of this country, trying to get to my destination – since my original flight from San Francisco, with stopover in Seattle to Montana went south.  I barely had time to wind down a minute Friday night only to fly back early Saturday morning, – meaning I had to be at the airport by 5 – so you figure the numbers. 🙂 By the time I opened the front door to my peaceful abode, I felt as if I had missed out on so much – in just the twenty-four hours I was gone.  Do you ever feel that way? While walking a number of airports, with posters and signage pointing to travels  around the world, I couldn’t help but feel the need to travel in the best month of …

Lifestyle: Photography Colors To Set The Mood

I took the train from Sacramento to San Francisco on Sunday, after I went up to the area for a small break from the freezing cold temps in my neck of the neighborhood – by the ocean, where its been foggy and ugly, and pretty down depressing with all-time grays. I tend to forget how the weather plays on my mood, and during the summer months in the city,  I find myself not at all inspired. So, I escape once in while in search of sun, green, and colorful flowers. In this case  up to the Sacramento-Roseville area, well technically further into the country, for some sun and to hang out with my favorite dogs – dogsitting. Normally I drive up, but this time I shared a ride with someone going up there, and then took the train back.  Along the way,  I snapped a few photographs. which I enhanced to more dramatic hues and sharpness, again craving colors. I figured these photos would keep me going through the foggy nonsense in San Francisco until early …