Lifestyle, money talk, Sunday Edition
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Sunday Edition – Myth, Facts, and Art

After graduating college, I gladly accepted a free one year subscription to The Wall Street Journal and The New Yorker offered to graduates from the alumni association.  I would thumb through both journals while commuting into work, and later in the day discussed a  few articles with friends over lunch and family – the articles usually written months in advance.  Lots has changed since then, and the variety of approaches to the same topics, is now available to us in real-time.

So, with that said, I found the following topics most worthy of indulging and of course sharing and really would love your opinion or take on any of them, no pressure, just a fun interaction would be appreciated.

Art: As you might have determined that I am currently mourning the tragic destruction to Cathedrale Notre-Dame in Paris – so I found this to be most interesting and actually helped ease my anxiety about the whole thing – STUNNING DEPICTIONS OF NOTRE_DAME by ARTISTS

FACT: What I have always known, being a history buff, about most leaders struggled with mental health during their presidency and the toll it took on them and the country as a result. But I have always said, crazy should be a pre-requisite to wanting to run a country.

Myth – So you think that glass of wine helps you fall asleep? Think again…

Fact: Why do the Swiss prefer to pay cash for everything even in this digital economy? The answer is simple….

Art: When my parents bought a house in San Francisco, the kitchen walls were covered with banana leaf wallpaper – which I found refreshing, especially with the white cabinetry, counter surface and floors. If you can relate, then read on about the story behind the story

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