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Fashion: Style Parisian and Mermaid Inspired Bodice

I’ve been too focused on travel these past few weeks, but only because it is that season and I am having withdrawals. Since this year, everyone I normally visit has decided to visit me in San Francisco during the worst of seasons – FOG, and more FOG and cold and no visibility, just white with much sprinkles. 🙂

So fashion came to be the topic today because, I happen to love Parisian style, and Italian ones and the idea of creativity in terms of design.

The fascinating Parisian style I have always admired and adhere to in everything I wear

What to wear in Provence when it’s hot

Seriously – how do you pull off the tank top – in sexiness?

I used to chain belt – but a a long time ago. And now its back

Winner if you ask me – mermaid inspired bodice design


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